“... ABC’s inexplicable reboot...”
“... ABC’s inexplicable reboot...”
If they don’t have time for the podcast, this one has pretty pictures:
It’s still the same, Short Happy Life of Francis Macomberback, as you remember.
I watched it with my dad and our after-movie conversation went the same. Maybe with a bit less of, “What did he do wrong?” and a bit more of, “Learn from this and please, please, please, don’t make bad choices like Winona.”
See also Indian Country.
20% have reported being harrassed in the Department of the Interior; mostly white or hispanic.
That’s sort of my problem with “white privilege”.
The ice also reduces hangovers by keeping you hydrated.
Banks often claim that they deny mortgages in minority communities based on credit scores — but that claim is almost impossible to check, given that the credit scores are not publicly available. Beyond that, the credit scores used in the mortgage process work against minority applicants by not taking into account…
Yes. U.S. vs Arizona, U.S. vs Washington, U.S.vs Texas, etc.
“Sabed que a la diestra mano de las Indias existe una isla llamada California muy cerca de un costado del Paraíso Terrenal; y estaba poblada por mujeres negras, sin que existiera allí un hombre, pues vivían a la manera de las amazonas.”
I don’t understand the fan-favorite phenomenon with this team.
I was so excited the first time I had a Wonder (white) bread peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my hands.
I was going to say it’s between duck and turkey ... with much more fat. Score the meat to help cook some of it out ... but anticipate the drippings with a deep pan. Goose fat on toast is pretty tasty for the next few weeks.
It’s been awhile, but I thought he was trying to help the new prince break free from the west and the kingdom being little more than a petro-state kingdom. No?
Um, yeah. And sometimes those systemic issues are too big to overcome, and PCV and their fellows are fighting the good fight in spite of them.
A Jitterbug is ~$60. Just saying.
I thought republicans were supportive of businesses that were particular about who they did business with. Is not baking a cake an attack now too Mr Cagle?
I don’t play “collectible” games anymore, but when I did, I got a lot more enjoyment out of buying the specific cards/items I wanted on ebay than rolling the dice, hoping for the best, and invariably being disappointing.
Whew. 1987 and 1997 for Aliens and Resurrection. Piano is 1993, so no idea where that came from.