
1000+ BC. I think there is something about alimoney in the Hammurabi code.

Full disclosure, I don’t know many MRA trolls, but I’d expect them to point to this as yet another reason for alimony reform ... not a big huzzah that this time a guy got his.

Unfortunately today he rides around in a golf cart and does little more than add background color during Kara’s interviews.

I made that jump two years ago and it is AWESOME.

Honest question ... has he been charged with assault? If no, why not?

Only three trips here, but one was bad and similar to yours. Ego death only in the sense that my self melted away and what was left was only the physical. Bones, muscle, sinew, etc. I was an animal, a creature. Not a human. Interesting for sure, but on the bad end of the spectrum.

And here I was, thinking it was a Moonwalker tribute. It has the armband and everything.


Just curious, by why not wait until a day or two before the event ends to make the purchase?

I know it isn’t as good for teeth, but is sorbitol any safer for dogs than xylitol?

I don’t think there is a link between cinnamon and heartburn either. Peppermint on the other hand ...

I chew gum through the day, during drive time, pretty much anytime I’m not at home really. I have an Amazon subscription to Eclipse Winterfrost. Keeps me fresh and clean. 

Understood. Thank you.

No need to play defense on speculative editorial decisions that may or may not be under Molly’s control. It’s her name on it at the end of the day.

Thank you!


Please don’t listen to it, as I want you to keep living in that world where it is your favorite song for awhile longer.

For sure. She put in a great performance. She didn’t get blackballed for her great performance.

I respect her standing up for what she believes in, but if she doesn’t want to play the game, I’m not going to fault others when they don’t pick her to be on their team.

Check and turn the signal to the right.
Check turn signal to the check turn right.