
I somehow got xPeke as the 3rd pick in my LOL fantasy draft!

Can’t they just go back to bring the Naps?

Give this man a gun.

This fit was never meant to be. We’re talking about apples and oranges.

At least he’s wearing a shirt.

This ad placement made things very confusing for me. I thought maybe he said, “Serena, will you consider doing Invisalign with me?”

I feel like if he were a few years younger he could have been a fit as a cole beasley-type, quick slot receiver.

So when is GTA VI coming out?

Please edit this post when you get to Spit Out the Bone. Their best song in the past 20 years imo. Depresses me that they still have the ability to write thrash and haven’t for the past 2 decades.

OSU and UM have now had their fuckups, will be a great championship game. Go state...

Mike Francesa approves!

Yip, yip... hooray!

Do you put Tim Tebow over or under 3,000 hits? I’ve got him at around 2,700, he’s just starting too late in this career to reach 3,000. 500 HR definitely reachable, he’ll probably hit around 800.

At least when Trump is elected and I am forced to move to Canada, my friends and I will feel right at home moving from Philly to Toronto.

I really think he is just out of breath and breathing heavily through his nose.

Wow I wish I had that kind of stamina. I wish there was some sort of substance I could take that would give me unlimited energy to stay up all night. Even if it had side affects of me becoming an angry, reactionary asshole I wouldn’t mind.

News just broke that Bradford has a strained eyeball and a cracked orbital bone after reading this article.

Some teams just can't handle that Big Ten speed.

ur mom is stupid

*until they have to pay all of them