
it's also time to stop questioning why it's not appreciated by people it is directed at. It's time to stop asking why we have a problem with it. We've told you why it's not welcome. Again and again. You've seen thehorror stories that have come as a result of it. Stop defending this nonsense and keep your "compliments"

yet not a single one of Bill Cosby's lawyers have tried to sue any of the women for defamation

Can't know until we see the whole film, but I'm voting for her for breakout star.

Fear, disgust, joy, and anger—and SADNESS. How could you forget the break-out star of the group?

It seemed like a no-brainer for shade court.

I love shade court but can't believe this week's edition didn't address the Gwyneth/Martha Stewart pie/cake fight. I am disappointed (but I still love shade court).

So in this case would it be better to be the cheapest answer or the most expensive? If it's the cheapest it means they think you're easy...Looks like Jez was right in the middle. Hmmm. But loving it nevertheless.

Bears, especially, are not only known not to wear clothes, but are also rumored to shit in the woods.

Pizza and fuck off covers it all. She'll be all set.

But will they get to play Quidditch?

I came to post basically the same thing. Some of us were already old when Harry came into our lives. He has brought joy and meaning to my life. #noshame

Especially when he was probably trying to goad her into just such a response!

Sad part? No one stepped in to help. What is wrong with people? Also, drunk/high combo leads to unusual and unpredictable behavior and atypical responses, so he didn't necessarily react like a non-high person would have. :(

Patricia Arquette is my new hero. Best takedown of a pap ever. And she's right. I need to add that to the list of things to teach my daughter. Tell men who are following and harassing you to fuck off. Loudly.

Same thing with my father-in-law here in the US. His mom couldn't afford to feed him so she sent him to an orphanage.

If you're already ready to puke from the cranberry juice, you can buy cranberry pills. They work too. I have used them when I get UTIs because I don't like cranberry juice that much.

Loved your comment that sometimes people fall in love with someone they don't expect to fall in love with. I learned this with my first boyfriend, and it was a great lesson to learn early in life. Opened me up to many possibilities in life, and it really did make me less likely to reject guys without getting to know

Thank you for your insight and explanation that justice and fairness, or rightness, are not always the same thing. The legal issue is whether the district was aware of what was happening and could have prevented it.

He's listed. His firm is Ivie, McNeill & Wyatt. It's a downtown firm, which means it's probably a big firm. Which would make sense. LAUSD isn't going to hire a small firm for a case of this magnitude. He is older (passed the bar in 1978), so maybe that explains (but does NOT excuse) some of his batshit,

Maybe the author of this text is in high school?