Check what the regulations are in your state. Many states have a specific age listed when kids can be left unsupervised, and some decline to specify which means law enforcement can't do anything to you.
Check what the regulations are in your state. Many states have a specific age listed when kids can be left unsupervised, and some decline to specify which means law enforcement can't do anything to you.
It wasn't that they didn't permit it, but it couldn't be done in the doctor's office at the Catholic hospital (I'm not Catholic, btw, it was just where my ob-gyn had her office). I had to go to a private clinic. Like I said, a friend had been in the same situation weeks before, and her doctor had taken care of then…
There are many more of us over 40 than you realize. We are here.
And get this—sometimes it's not even a matter of whether the doctor is insured to provide abortion, but where there office is located. You know how some doctors have offices in the hospital complex/building? Better hope it's not a Catholic hospital or the doctor can't do it there. I had to have a DNC after an early…
Thank you. She is my idol.
All the stars.
You should have spoken with producers so you could get some money when they take your brilliant idea and do this...
I do wish to live in a world without donuts. Even if I rarely succumb to their allure, just knowing they are there makes life better. Not sure a life without donuts would be a life worth living. (And I don't even eat donuts on a monthly basis...)
I do yoga and I think the balance stuff would be a little hard when high...
That was kind of what I thought. Sort of the opposite of some of the places on this list.
I poured my OJ into Rice Krispies as a child. Once. It was a bitter, unhappy experience. I always thought I was the only freak child who ever did this. I did it because I hated milk and didn't want to put it in my cereal...the OJ was sitting right there on the table...
I agree about the CA cities, but what about Silver Springs, MD? Isn't that an affluent area?
I think this is true of Inglewood (I worked there for many years).
At first I thought demographics might explain it but not necessarily. I live near Inglewood and taught in the schools for many years (so I have first hand knowledge of the community). It has educated people with good jobs, but it has many many low income families. And from what I know of Silver Springs, MD, it is a…
Lindy, thank you for this article. I don't get as much time on Jez as I used to, and I haven't been seeing as many of your articles (maybe because I'm not around as much) and I was missing them. "The flavor of closet and the texture of moth larvae." Brilliant.
Does that mean it's bad to have my daughter read Judy Blume books so I can avoid about half of the awkward sex questions? I answer them for her with no problem, and her response is always the same "I wish I hadn't asked."
There is a new machine that hurts much less. The first time I had one I was surprised just how much it hurt. The next year my doctor sent me to a different lab that had a new machine that she claimed would hurt far less—and it did. So, I say your odds are looking good.
I went to Camp Taum Sauk on the Black River near Lesterville, MO. Some of the happiest days of my childhood were spent there.