Sounds like Ron and Dick taught you an important skill that is valuable in your current position!
Sounds like Ron and Dick taught you an important skill that is valuable in your current position!
I'm not sure. Julia seemed truly embarrassed and some of the things she did come out with were weak. I consider myself an expert from years of exposure to my construction worker husband. Swearing is an art form for him. Sally was amazing. Her expressions were priceless.
And I always thought that was just the teenage boys!
Is that seriously the problem with yoga pants? That the sight of a woman in yoga pants will give them boners? Really? Can't they control that shit? What the hell do men do at the beach with all the women in swimming suits? I think I actually need some mansplaining on this one because my brain hurts from trying to…
Post the pic! Pleeeaase.
Troll bingo? Where do I sign up? Although the voice in my head read ninethermidor's post with sarcasm.
They gave them food with sugar in it so they wouldn't stop eating. Ice cream, etc. If you give them something super tasty, babies will keep eating.
It's not a real hockey game unless there's blood on the ice.
I've noticed the hate too. I honestly believe it's because of nukinja. I have the idealism of a small child and hope that if they just see what they have done, and the effect it has had, they will go back to old kinja (I know they never will).
Very serious question here. When I was young I had lumps in places where I didn't want them. I could never have worn a bikini of 4 damp doritos and a single unicorn hair (MAJOR kudos for THAT sentence), but my 6-years-older step-sister totally could have. My very serious question is did you ever resent your sister…
Thank you so much for providing the follow up in this story. I always wonder how it turned out. Looking forward to the update when the judge gets the smackdown!
I want to go out with a glass of champagne in my cold dead hand.
I had a friend years ago who had to go off Prozac while pregnant—and she really needed it. She had to live in an apartment, separate from her husband during her pregnancy, because she couldn't be around people.
She's 10 now, so I'm pretty sure she's fine as autism usually manifests much earlier. If anything, my therapist and I thought the drugs might have had a beneficial effect on her in utero as she has such a sunny disposition and is so even-tempered (her father is not the sunny even-tempered type, and I am more…
I know some antidepressants aren't good during pregnancy, but others are better. My doctor switched me to lexapro when I was trying to conceive because she said there were no problems associated with taking it during pregnancy (or fewer—can't really remember now as it was so long ago).
Do you have support for this claim? I'm curious because I took Lexapro all through my pregnancy (after my doctor assured me it would be safe to take during pregnancy) and no issues with my kid (who is now 10 so something would have manifested by now).
Very happy memories. There's never been anyone like her since. Kind of a shame that variety shows aren't popular anymore...
They used to always have one garden salad with no chicken or meat but maybe they stopped offering it. I don't even do McD's once a year. On a road trip, I'll stop there because I know it will be fast and I can get a salad.
Almost never eat there, but they used to have salads. Did they stop carrying them?
Perfect. So many choices for your picture...