Maybe it’s too early in the morning for me, but I can’t even make jokes. Reading this story made me very angry. What the fuck? It doesn’t sound like he was coming at them aggressively at all (why would he, he hadn’t done anything). There is no excuse for this shit. Fire these assholes to start; then prosecute/sue.
-Floyd reads article-
I guess this is as good a place as any - Drew, thanks for the Struts recommendation! I created a Pandora station for them this Summer and I’ve been listening to it about 75% of the time while driving or walking.
Thank you so much for this! I really enjoyed the first episode, consider me subscribed until this wraps up.
Sure, you link to this but you don’t link to Kyle’s kick in the [dong] of Deadspin as “a Warriors fan blog based in New York City.” I join Kyle in demanding you give equal coverage to all northern California based NBA teams.
My main man, what is the problem with Michael Jackson?
I haven’t listened to this yet, but I’m guessing a mortar and pestle rank near the top of Marchman’s list. I’m picturing him hunched over his counter, sweat dripping from his beard, as he spends 45 minutes grinding the Assyrian grains he’s grown himself - a dormant air conditioning unit the only witness to his toils.
Hah! ... stupid. +1
I like Magic Johnson’s ideas for team building. As a Giants fan, I hope he continues to bring this same level of competence to the Dodgers.
Damn it, WTF. At least the 49ers’ offensive players aren’t a bunch of predators.
I came here for the Marchman air conditioning / television take hate and left disappointed. What are you hiding Marchman? Face your critics head-on!
I disagree with you, but I’m glad that the First Amendment protects your comment from Deadspin’s intrusions. Just like you may disagree with my collection of bear arms, but the Second Amendment protects those too - no matter what you, or PETA, has to say.
Buzz off. I know Red Foreman when I see him.
Counterpoint: But Gandhi got liberty and death, doesn’t seem to fit. Besides, if Indians had free speech they wouldn’t have had to demote Chief Wahoo.
I’m pretty sure the Lochner decision said the private employer exception to free speech only applied to bakers. Plus you should probably read this: Supreme Court Upholds Freedom Of Speech
As much as I hate it, Curt Schilling has free speech and ESPN should have respected that. I hate what he says, but I think Abraham Lincoln said it best: “Give me liberty, or give me death.”