
There is something that makes him seem particularly sociopathic to have that smiling photo above the details horrible crime he committed. The lack of empathy lurking behind the surface of a happy, seemingly all american, (white) boy makes it somehow seem even more unexpected and horrifying that he did it.

Pyramids as power plants are a HUGE area of interest for “Ancient Astronaut” community.

*Frantically scrolling to see Karlie*

Don’t forget the 24 year-old teacher tied to a cinder block at the bottom of a pond:

So is this what we have come to? Republican reality TV stars running for office?

Several people in the comments have expressed extreme attraction to this bizarre object, though.

Not the first time some old dude got overly excited about a teenage girl’s jugs.

I’ve read in the French press the testimony of a 14-year-old who saw the thing live. She said that several persons asked her point blank if she was going to commit suicide but she said no; other talked about calling the firemen, including the girl but she was afraid she wouldn’t be believed...

I don’t watch the show, but doesn’t the “Bachelor” almost always have sex with all the remaining girls in the fantasy suite episodes?

what the fuck, action news

Frankly, this could have been a lot worse. First thing this brought to mind for me was that ’70s case of the news anchor who committed suicide on the morning news. And no, they didn’t cut away in time.

Anyone else need this right about now?

That poor woman, I hope she is at peace now. There was a murder/suicide in the past few days of a military wive, she killed her children then herself while her husband is/was on deployment.

If you need help, there is help available, if you are depressed and suicidal please call - 1-800-273-8255 they’ll listen and


My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:

“Factories in China, Vietnam and Bangladesh, which typically make clothes for several retailers at a time, are often not even set up to make clothing in larger sizes, and shifting gears is costly, said Linda Heasley, CEO of Lane Bryant.”

so in the last few years ive gained a lot of weight and am plus sized for the first time in my life and it’s horrible. it’s one of the main motivators to me losing weight. there is no selection, everything sucks and fits like shit.

It’s a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.

I think - and I could be mistaken - that the author is saying that having people talk shit because you slept with a married dude is not on the same plane as the decades of allegations brought against Allen if we’re comparing how rumors can mess up your life, not to mention how we would view those individual “sins.”

I guess it made it easy for her to fuck her married director because Kristen didn’t know his wife. She was just some amorphous concept and no one that Kristen had to concern herself with.