
ALLLLL the stars for Marmalade Mugabe.The best!

“Wakanda born, Zamunda raised” is my new favorite description. Awesome!

Can we print out this whole article and frame it? Your responses to all three were great, but you need a prize for the one to Mike Jones. Pity he wont actually read it.

The problem I have with this? Paul Ryan, next in line. Followed by Orrin Hatch.

To dry off the excess water from boiled potatoes quickly, I often spread them on a pan and pop them into the oven, which is usually still hot from the turkey. Then I don’t have to stand there stirring and can do something else.

23 years married, 25 years together. Dated right after high school then broke up for 7 years to do some growing up first.

This. If you are not afraid to experiment a little with recipes, learn to substitute when you have to for whatever reason, and accept that you will occasionally make dishes that the family will never ever let you live down, you will develop your own style and probably be known as a pretty good cook. Even the great

Zambia, not Zimbabwe. ZESCO stands for Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation.

I use Moon Reader pro for almost everything. You can try out most of its basic features with the free version.

I have an ASUS tablet with the Kindle app for mobi, and then use Moon Reader for my epubs and everything else. Since it isn’t a one trick pony I can do other stuff which will always outweigh the slickness of a Kindle paperwhite.

I shouldn’t have read this at work. A ‘coughing fit’ is a poor cover for laughing my head off!

Is there a select all option in the ‘inbox’ view? Have not been able to find it.

No love for Kedrigern?

'Watership Down' called this state tharn, and it was described as a stress response. I remember as a child hunting for a rabbit to test it on - fortunately none around...