I Loathe Kinja

That friggin' sucks. EA began releasing good games only after John Riccitiello became CEO. He secured the quality of the company's products (even killing off a few on-going projects due to quality concerns as soon as he took the position) and it was under his direction that people finally stopped hating EA.

Is he doing the entirety of Ground Zeroes' soundtrack, or will Harry Gregson-Williams cooperate again?

You really have no clue what subjectivity means, do you? Because I'm a huge Bond fan and I feel exactly the opposite of what you just wrote. I feel they were nods to the trademarks the series is known for, but with a twist as to avoid monotony/predictability. Simply because you disliked something, doesn't mean others

Because tastes are subjective, whereas time is not.

Right, because when you talk about a movie you count the trailers and the pre-show. Sure...

Can't disagree.


Hmm, you're right. In that case, he's right, too.

Any Triforce ones?

Ugh. Not another fucking moron who thinks this is the cause of social violence. You do know that the human race has been an incredibly fucked up species since its very dawn, right? Because back in the Crusades, there were no violent videogames to fuel all the onslaught.

That's a partially stupid thing to say. The gaming landscape would be VERY different (in a bad way) if Japan had never designed games. Many genres were invented in Japan, while others were first introduced in American games, but later on ''perfected'' by Japanese developers.

Ain't that the sad truth... If it weren't for their acquisition of Eidos, they would have become a truly irrelevant publisher to me.

Skyfall didn't last three hours, dude. There are these things called clocks; don't know if you've ever heard of those. They have these incredibly cool ones that you can wear on your wrist, too! They might help with that little problem you have there about measuring time.


A buddy of mine recommended it. I watched a trailer and felt uneasy about it, so I read a synopsis on Wikipedia. It looks disgusting indeed, and I don't see the point of the plot. It was rated terribly, also.

Alright... Just give me the salt ice cream. Save me the Winstons for later.

That's disappointing. :(

Maybe then I'd actually bother watching a Pixar movie without falling asleep halfway through it.

I wouldn't be able to eat that cake. It wouldn't feel like I was ''eating'' the cake as much as it would feel I'd be DESTROYING the cake...

Did you just slyly make a Skyward Sword reference? Because pumpkin is all they eat at the bar in that game! If so, well played, dude. :)