I Loathe Kinja

Well, back on the PS1 era, Japan was king of gaming, which is why the top games on that side of the Store are Japanese games. There were many good Western games, but most of them where, well, pretty shitty tbh. The West became dominant (on consoles) until the 360/PS3 era.

Hehe, I'm not gonna be able to take this game seriously now, ever again.

My thoughts, exactly... Aside from the fact that a giant revolver is kind of... ''random'' in its own regard, the whole thing had an air of eeriness to it. Everyone had dead expressions.

Shut the fuck up, Donnie.

Please make an ending that doesn't leave me crying like a little bitch for season 2, Telltale.

I've been in love and totally get what he's attempting to imply with that quote, but it also sounds like a narcissist who's trying mighty hard to get complimented for his acts. He could've just done it, shut up about it, and tell her well after the wedding.

Best possible reply for this!

If you have to resort to selling even your games, shouldn't you reconsider planning it out, then? Because it sounds like you're trying to get the moon and the stars for her when your budget won't even cover a cab fare across town, buddy.

So, yeah; we're fucked, huh? First it'll brick its lab masters to death, and then us all...

I don't know what they're so alarmed about. Fox News themselves have presented nothing but fictional, alternate takes on reality through all their broadcasts, anyway.

You know, each time I see someone with eloquence on the internet, I commend them on the simple fact of not being an idiot, because even though being yourself is a common thing to you, you've actually no idea how much of an endangered fucking species you are.

Well, at elast you get a little closure, then. With shows like Deadwood, or Carnivale, though? You're shit outta' luck, son.

It's a good point, Cliffy. But you need to remember that there are some companies out there who have abused the DLC business model and sell a lot of garbage to often uninformed consumers. EA, Activision, Capcom and Square-Enix come to mind as some of the biggest offenders.

Hmm... I'll have to start watching that. Although I am afraid I'll like it and be heartbroken with a cliffhanging end to the saga. Wasn't there a movie, too?

It has Jason Mewes in it, too! I wonder why they'd cancel a successful show... Oh, well; TV producers aren't generally known for being brilliant.

Was Firefly really that good? I never caught up with the craze, and I actually loved Joss Wheddon's previous TV shows (Buffy, and even Angel).

WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!? How the hell have I not seen this before!?!? Dude, googling it RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.

At least the bad guy got it in the end!

Goddammit, Schreier; I don't want a friggin' 3DS!!! Alas, you keep giving me undeniable reasons to buy one...

Someone who appreciates the genius of Archer is all right in my book. I'll be sure to look into this Todd show, as I've never heard of it before.