I Loathe Kinja

Ugh, I fucking hate it when good TV gets cancelled. Wonderfalls, Deadwood, Carnivale... All great shows with untimely endings.

Can't believe they didn't include Zorn and Thorn on the list.

I was about to mention those two. I'm amazed they didn't include them.

It was amazing, lol.

I watched it in Japanese. When I watch anime, I stick to reading subtitles. I like the original audio of things, hehe.

How did that camera survive!? If the rocket biz doesn't work out for them, at least they can sell the sturdiest cameras in the world.

Yeah, definitely a basic setup will be the way to go. I'm still struggling with the basics of HTML, so if I attempted any ''enterprise-level'' Java coding, I might make my brain bleed.

Nah, I was just asking. I'd rather start practicing with the actual tools one would need. I also saw there are quite the many different versions of Eclipse. I downloaded Eclipse EE (64-bit).

I love how in the first lesson they describe every single term, haha. That is exactly what I need. As soon as I read ''object-oriented programming'' I was lost, lol.

Seems like Java is a must, then. I'll go for it, but at baby-step pacing, lol. I'll try learning Java first. Python will have to wait 'til much later.

Haha, don't worry about the evangelizing. This is great information you're supplying here.

Yeah, I thought you did, but I have a borderline-OCD fixation with my typos.

And just like that, you've won the argument. Well played, sir.

Not sure what you're trying to say there. Anyway, I noticed a typo on my previous comment (''heap'' instead of ''head''). Those things bug me.

Those are some mighty investigation skills. Join me and together we can rule the galaxy!!

I can't be held responsible if you have your head up your ass. ;)

What's an IDE? :P

Dude, get your facts together and stop watching so much TV.

Hey, I know that I won't be a rockstar programmer as the video might mislead you to think, but I still would like to give it a shot; just for fun. Which books would you recommend?

Those are all very valid points (especially that cool, laid-back dog), but still; I feel like there's something amiss.