I Loathe Kinja

Man, this is one of the very best pieces of comedy I have ever watched in my life. I was literally laughing out loud all throughout the clip. Way too good!

All companies face hurdles. Sony faced a ton of them with the PS3, but eventually managed to get its collective shit together and succeeded. People learn from their mistakes. One of Nintendo's biggest mistakes with the Wii was ignoring the growing demand for online gaming services, but they're finally correcting this

You do know that he had a girlfriend (whom he married last year) before he even thought of working on the project which eventually became Facebook, right?

No Samuel L. Jackson (as officer Tenpenny) in GTA San Andreas? :(

I'll have to agree.

He just said he's not a fan of them for games. He's not saying that YOU shouldn't be one either.

Consoles are cheaper and easier to use. Period. You want to play the latest games? Alright, then shell out at least $700 up front for a gaming rig that *might* be able to run them decently. And what was one of the biggest reasons why the PS3 itself got off on the wrong foot? Nobody was willing to pay $600 for it.

I was thinking the same thing. I actually thought to myself as I watched Kiki, that if I had watched it as a kid, or even during my adolescence, I would've probably loved it. Alas, I'm 26 now... perhaps I'm too old, or too jaded for that tale's format.

I don't get why people love Kiki's Delivery Service so much. It's a good movie, but hardly something I'd classify as memorable. I don't know, maybe I'm just a grumpy fella.

Long articles in Kotaku usually equate to pointless, boring and sometimes even redundant reads. But this was actually not half bad; especially considering that I had been losing faith in you Toti. Good job!

Unless Sony releases a FREE emulator for all the money I've wasted on PS3 games (both retail and PSN titles), I'm not buying a PS4.

That's true, but the problem with Sony and Microsoft's platforms is that they're too closed. Then you have Steam, and while they do have restrictions, they are considerably less detrimental. This allows for more developmental freedom, and it also ensures a more profitable distribution of product for the smaller

I feel like the PS3 was released only a couple of years ago, for some reason. Anyway, this doesn't look interesting. I'll get one when they inevitably announce the PS4 Slim. If the PS3/360 generation of hardware taught me something, is that consoles (hardware-wise) have become incredibly unreliable.

And yet, I agree with Luke. It doesn't look impressive at all. That's not to say that it's a bad-looking game, or anything, but it's not something that blew my mind.

You're absolutely right, but I see where he's coming from. I mean, this doesn't look marginally better than Crysis 3 running on max. settings on current-gen PCs (high-end ones, granted).

''If you were expecting a next-gen shooter on the PS4 to look a lot like it would on the PS3, only shinier, well, congratulations. You were right.''

I think Crysis 3 (running on max. settings on a PC) looks the same (if not better than) anything they showcased tonight. As a lifelong advocate of console gaming, tonight Sony made me understand why console gaming might indeed be doomed.

Crysis 1 (and its PC-exclusive expansion, Crysis Warhead) were great. The second one was alright, but it was blatantly dumbed down so it could ''fit'' on consoles. And by that, I don't mean just graphically; even the level design structure suffered severe limitations.

After playing the demo, suffering through the excessively stupid cut-scenes and mediocre writing, watching the uninspired character designs, dealing with the awkward controls and less-than-stellar parry system, I began to doubt if I could like a game like Revengeance.

Off the top of my head, people who enjoy it, perhaps? Different strokes for different folks, dude.