I Loathe Kinja

I couldn't have said it better. Griffith is perhaps the character I hate the most out of all the books/series/movies/games I've ever seen. He not only made me feel hatred, but also sexual disgust for what he does as soon as he becomes Femto.

Poor Nintendo. It's almost sad at this point, but I hope they can get those pathetic Wii U sales up...

Also, if you get back in one piece, maybe she'll let you do a strip-search on her.

Agreed. Final Fantasy has been going the same way, as of late. Hell, many JRPGs are stuck in that same muck. And Western RPGs are usually devoid of plot, and when they do have a brief one, it's completely uninteresting.

Man, aside from Tokyo Jungle, I had never even heard of those games.

That was surprisingly more mind-boggling, than I had anticipated...

Hey Jesus, this is sort of unrelated, but have you personally ever made a ''deus ex machina'' joke?

Do you play Peace Walker? I need to find people who can help me get some missions on S-Rank. :P

Hmm... a concise opinion which partially justifies the notion in which violent games might have a connection to violent acts. One that, despite unproven (and unsupported on my part), I can actually respect.

Oh, man... I was clinging onto that Solid Snake theory, but you're right... that was the same Japanese actor. This is really, REALLY depressing... :(

Maybe we'll see Solid Snake later on in the game? If so, it would make sense to have Hayter play only one character.

You clearly didn't understand the fact that I was joking, did you? Talk about idiots... Oh, the irony.

That's Eidos, though. Sqaure-Enix simply bought them out, but the creativity is all Edios's.

I can't help but feel rejoice. I believe that Square-Enix desperately needed a change of administration. Here's hoping that the new guy will do a much better job, than simply re-releasing games from nearly 20 years ago (at premium prices), and failed imitation, after failed imitation of Western games.

I love XII's plot, though the gameplay was unbearably monotonous. So yeah, FFX was the last great FF to feature high marks on all accounts.

Reading through all the replies you've gotten with your question, I can confirm that people on Kotaku really have no taste for acting in the slightest bit. I wouldn't be surprised if these people suddenly suggested Tommy Wiseau's''The Room'' as one of the greatest films ever made.

Uh, that's not nit-picking at all, dude. What it DOES seem to be is you just not wanting to stand corrected. :P

Obviously Apple doesn't want their more unaware consumers suddenly taking a glimpse at how the company fabricates its products. It would be rather awkward to explain.

I watched it in HD. Numerous times, actually. It looks almost mediocre...

I noticed them. They weren't anything out of the ordinary.