I Loathe Kinja

Didn't know that. Wow, then that Phantom Pain trailer showcased some truly blast-from-the-past graphics. Straight out of the PS3's launch games lineup.

Yeah, I mean, I would've been impressed with those graphics back in 2007...

That also crossed my mind, haha.

The same could pretty much be said about Final Fantasy, but I still love both series, haha. :P

Did anyone else think the graphics of The Phantom Pain were a bit ''limited'' to be a PS3 game? My guess is that it's going to be a Vita release.

It's a somewhat harsh way of putting it, but he's right. Otherwise, gaming wouldn't be as stagnant as they've become as of late. Yes, there's the indie scene, but how many indie games are nothing but a tried-too-hard effort to become ''different'' for the sheer sake of being different?

Cool, I added you.

Oh, Cracked is a personal favorite of mine. They had this amazing guide of how to get shitfaced at work without people noticing.

And created an entire language. That's some mad scientist level of genius right there, buddy.

Nah, I can easily see why you'd invest long hours in it. I personally still think that FFX-2 has the best combat system in the whole series. It was fast-paced and just downright fun!

I imagined that it would involve some heavy naming. Hell, even A Game of Thrones is difficult to follow at first, and is only alleviated a little if you read how the houses relate to each other (as noted on the last pages of the book, after the story itself).

Oh, wow; even above ASoIaF? Color me impressed. :O

It's settled, then. I have to get these books. And I don't really mind if he's more fantasy-oriented. I like that stuff!

''Well, Lois, since you ask, I find this meatloaf shallow and pedantic.''

Hmm, never heard of those books, but after a quick glance on Wikipedia, they certainly seem interesting. I don't want to do too much Googling, because that ALWAYS results in spoilers, one way or another. I take it you'd recommend the books, yes? How would you describe the themes and style?

He's actually a hardcore fan of comics, so you're not too far from reality. :P

That's a rather pretentious thing to say. When you appreciate the talent of a good storyteller, you appreciate his/her tales regardless of the chosen format. What's important is the plot itself; not how it's delivered. Otherwise, you'd just be some attention-starved person who just wants to be seen with a book in his

Just ignore them. Don't buy them, period. It's not like you'll miss out on anything relevant.

Exactly, people complain all the time about DLC and microtransactions, but the one reason why game publishers keep churning 'em out is precisely because people keep buying them in spite of all their bitching.

On-disc DLC is BULLSHIT, and they're perhaps the biggest offender on that account. Also, they destroyed Mega-Man. Not cool, man. Not cool...