I Loathe Kinja

Sure you are. Keep telling yourself that, buddy. ;)

Subtly trying to steer the conversation away from the fact that you made a complete ass out of yourself won't make it go away, hahaha.

That original post doesn't matter. Again, my remark was done specifically for the horror genre and its history with poor scripts. You're just too stupid to understand that, apparently.

Oh, right, because if I have that in my avatar picture, then I'm a fanboy. Clever logic right there...

What fanboyism? And if this is regarding Kojima again, then don't even bother answering. You CLEARLY want me to argue about it, if it's indeed about Kojima again...

Too long, didn't read. They say wit lies in brevity. Try to stick to that.

Why did you touch the subject of story in the first place, then? And why did you touch the subject of Kojima, when I made no mention of it? Just seems to me like you WANTED me to be defensive about it.

Yes, I am fully aware of that. Why? Were you expecting something to ignite a flame war? Haha, what a troll...

Cliff Bleszinski voicing his views on the gamer side of things? Sweet! I would love to see more game makers do the same.

Right, because the story in the vast majority of horror games isn't completely stupid...

Perhaps they will! They Did bother releasing Ocarina of Time: Master Quest, after all! :)

It's definitely cool to have more Zelda on the way, though the announcement of a Wind Waker remake doesn't exactly scream originality, lol. Alas, I can't really complaint. Wind Waker is perhaps my favorite Zelda game after Ocarina of Time.

Yup. Any day now...

This kind of pretentious bullshit is why every time games seem to take a step forward toward becoming a more respectable medium, they get knocked five steps back.

His parents should have a talk with him.

I've never experienced glitches on San Andreas. I even have it for two different consoles, and have never experienced a glitch. Also, the lack of polish was due to the PS2's own hardware limitations (namely the GPU) and the sheer size of the overworld, and number of simultaneous processing. Skyward Sword was released

The ''gameplay-before-story'' part is true. Good point.

Twilight Princess wasn't bad. It just wasn't great. It was... OK. It was the first Zelda, in my opinion, with a little bit heavier emphasis on story, so that was definitely good. In fact, I only cared to finish it, because I was hooked on its plot. Zant was a refreshing villain; especially towards the end, when you

Everything's better than Twilight Princess, lol. And I've never been impressed by motion controllers, so that mechanism did nothing to interest me in the combat.

Wow... these are all truly great!