I Loathe Kinja

Well, aside from motion controls, there was nothing truly original about Skyward Sword's gameplay. I think it's time for Eiji Aonuma to step back and hand over the reins to someone with a fresh pair of eyes.

HA!! Outstandingly well done, good sir!

Well, buddy; there's only one thing to do here: tell 'em that, as it turns out, it *wasn't* a fake gun. And that now you're mad...

Yeah, I definitely get what you mean about Nintendo's ''vibe.'' In fact, sometimes I don't want the ''realism'' (for lack of a better word) that most PlayStation games offer, so in those instances where I just want to sit back and relax, I turn to the big N.

Good point!

When will the American public stop blaming everyone and everything else as the cause for their social malaise? Nobody dares to take a look in the mirror, so nobody's aware that it's a severe cultural deficiency.

I don't get what everyone is bitching so much about. Dead Space 2 completely sucked. It was dull, monotonous, and the plot was laughable. Because of that, I wasn't planning on buying any other entries in the series, but co-op is always fun. Co-op is the one and only reason I'm gonna buy Dead Space 3.

Oh, jew gotta be kiddin' me...


The whole Skylanders franchise confuses me a bit. Is it targeted at children? Because it sure as hell looks childish...

Well, I'd say that World of Warcraft easily makes up for about half of those profits. And that was Blizzard's baby.

What doesn't Activision bitch about? They bitched about the PS3 not selling as much as the 360, they bitched (and still do) about used games, they bitched when games didn't go any higher than $60 USD, and now they bitch about a console that hasn't even been around six months...

I'm outside the US, so online retailers are the way to go for me. I'll try shopping around for a used one in good shape, but that's sometimes hard to come by. Especially when you're as much of a pain in the ass when it comes to those things like I am, lol.

His concept does make sense. I can see it as something Valve would support.

That indeed would be awesome, but it's probably not going to happen. There are even rumors about the next-gen consoles not reading used games...

Dammit... I'm outside the US, so online retailers are pretty much my only choice. :(

Dude... so much of a bummer... Well, I'll just have to imagine it sucks and tell myself that, over and over.

It hasn't even been a year! Goddammit!!

Guys, does anyone know why the price for Xenoblade Chronicles suddenly went sky-high on Amazon?

Yeah, Costa Rica. I clicked on the link, but it gives me an error. And it's odd, because I bought Psychonauts, Costume Quest, and Stacking directly from Steam.