I Loathe Kinja

Wow. This is honestly one of the best comments I have ever read on the internet. My hat's off to you, dude.

Yikes... this coming from the man whose past two games shouldn't have been made either. And unlike Mr. Spector's studio, at least Grasshoper Manufacture still exists, so there's also that...

He has a good voice, but what an embarrassingly awful song...

I just looked Iron Brigade on Steam, but no dice. Same thing with PSN, and I don't have a 360, so no Kinect games for me. Dammit.

That might be worse than losing the games themselves.

Body parts as DLC is obviously a joke, but the scary thing is that I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone at Activision, EA, or Square-Enix read this article and made it a reality...

Aw, man... and I bitched when an ex kept my copy of FFXIII. That's only a single game, and it's not even fun to play at all!

Oh, don't get me wrong, man; I think Tim Schaefer is an unsung hero of gaming's writing potential. His sense of comedy and the way he seamlessly weaves plot with gameplay is amazing. Double Fine is gaming's saving grace when it comes to comedy, since ''comedy'' in games is usually about dick and fart jokes and nothing

You know what made Star Wars so special in the film medium? Its scarcity. And now, now it'll become just... a thing. Yet another one.

Iron Brigade... Happy Action Theater... Once Upon a Monster... W-where the hell did those come from!? I was convinced that after Brütal Legend, Stacking and Costume Quest were the only games Double Fine had released.

Man... that movie was like the plot scenes of a Cinemax softcore porno from the early 2000's. I think they even used the same type of cameras...

I just miss the NES, SNES, PS1, N64 and Dreamcast days... Game makers kept publishing distinct, original concoctions in which the love and the great effort put into making each of their games was clearly evident.

Man, ain't that the sad, fucking truth... Anything that's not an FPS, and anything that forces you to think at least a little bit has become a niche. You'd think that gaming going mainstream would've flooded the market with all sorts of crazy, new ideas, but instead you get Call of Duty after Battlefield after more


Would they sell guns of that size to civilians, though? (And yes; I know the gun he's holding is fake).

Very impressive!

Oh wow, is that true!?

Oh, so now you dissin' on Jewish history and calling them bread thieves of a worldwide conspiracy, huh? Pfff... had to be one o' them internet racists...

Often, it is those who accuse others of being ''racist'' who have the inherent malice to easily single out certain behaviors (thus, accusing them as racist), because they are the only real racist ones. They are often hypocrites with a double moral they're not even conscious of, and hilariously enough, they are often

Hmmm, I was going to use ''K'' too... :/