I Loathe Kinja

Any sources evidencing your claims as facts (and not just rumors)? Because from what I heard (literally minutes ago), this thing had already been settled out of court, but the press just kept running with it (I don't know if due to sensationalism, or because they still haven't confirmed this).

Oh, well... Anyway, it just kills me to know that Kevin Butler is dead. It was the only clever marketing campaign Sony had.

Not necessarily, and it's not a matter of looking like dicks, you presumptuous prick. Take for example brand ''borrowing'' on the PC mod scene. Activision has shot down many projects of people making their own spiritual successors to games which have been long dormant, even if the game is claimed to be unofficial and

I don't know, man... I'm pretty sure a phone call to Bridgestone (and Jerry Lambert) would have settled things. I'm sure they would've agreed to remove Lambert from the ad, if they had talked things through prior to a lawsuit. I don't think this is such a big deal when Sony itself is on the brink of financial ruin.

No, it's not Sony's fault, but that doesn't take away the fact that it's a douche bag move on Sony's part. And this essentially kills pretty much any future possibility to bring back the only enjoyable piece of marketing Sony had.

But don't you think this is overreacting? I mean, are you suddenly in need of a Wii, instead of a PS3 just because you watched that ad?

Yeah, but I was thinking more along the lines of a Half-Life type of game. Action, but single-player.

Yeah, but I hadn't lost hope on a comeback. :(

Man, it's such a shame that Kevin Butler won't come back. Stupid, stupid Sony...

Yeah, I was talking about a more action-driven game. I didn't clarify that enough, sorry.

It's been almost two years, actually. And while Portal is nice, I'm talking about a more action-oriented game. Sorry for not clarifying that.

Looks cool, and I might end up giving it a go, but I'd be more curious about a single-player game made by Valve. It's kind of been a while since they've released something not solely focused on multiplayer.

That's too bad, then. In any case, I've said all that I needed to say. This reply of yours seems like you simply wanting to elongate the argument, so once again I'll have to be the better man, and end it right here. If you feel like you must absolutely have the last word, then reply again; say anything you want. But

Sure, buddy. Sugar-coat it, and make up some dumb justification of your actions to make yourself feel better. And more importantly, feel like you're right. Trolls are always hungry for feeling they're always right.

How exactly is it that games can get leaked? You'd think security around these things is air-tight...

Dude... who are you!? Are you a lost twin of mine? I couldn't have said it better; especially the weird thing in JRPGs about the characters' age. It's as if anyone over 30 is the same as if he/she would be 85!

Did I ever say they were games ''no one played''? How can you expect me not to think you are stupid when you keep taking everything out of context (for the convenience of your own argument, by the way). It's hilarious you victimize yourself over my hostility when the first reply you made was calling me an ignorant.

Yeah, I'm actually totally with you. That's actually one of my complaints with how people use the WRPG and JRPG terms. They should just be RPGs, like they used to be before the PS3/360 generation. But now they use this separatist bullshit and it doesn't even make sense.

Hey, thanks for the heads-up, dude! I'll google it up.

It's so refreshing debating with an intelligent fella such as yourself, dude. Unlike that pretentious troll, tucobenedictopax...