I Loathe Kinja

Are you really this stupid, or are you making an extra effort?

Yeah, I agree with that. Your choices in Western RPGs are generally more relevant, than on their Japanese counterparts, but I still enjoy Japanese RPGs more.

I love it when morons like you make a smartass comment like the one you just made, but completely fail to validate your statement. If you're not going to explain yourself (assuming that you're even intellectually capable of any sort of debate), don't bother commenting at all. Moron...

How would I fare? I don't know how I would actually fare, but the first thing I'd try is to get me a Jill sandwich!

I miss playing a good Japanese RPG... All I see nowadays are Western RPGs, which do not entertain me in the slightest bit, and it seems that developers in the West have become blindingly convinced that open-world experiences are the only way to do an RPG. They're not. It's only one of the many ways in which you can

Holy shit...

Dude must prep some seriously meticulous salads...

5 bucks says Apple censors it.

The mistake you're making is not realizing that some games, not all, but some games are trying to convey a story-driven experience. When you can prove to me that games such as Metal Gear Solid, BioShock, Hotel Dusk, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Silent Hill, and even Dishonored aren't integrating their

Loved BioShock! Loved Deus Ex! Never got to play Thief 2, and despite my efforts, I can't get System Shock 2 to run on my PC. :(

This is why games won't be a respectable medium to tell stories for a long time. Pretentious morons like Austin Grossman, all they do is come up with a lackluster story told stupidly through two NPCs interacting in the most lifeless of ways possible.

"If it's longer than a tweet, a character should probably not be saying it in the play of a game."

Thank you! And this is an American thing. Nowhere else in game design will you find people so stubborn in saying that games simply MUST tell a story as differently as possible to cinema. It's quite fucking pretentious, really.

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played in my whole life.

Sounds like something I'd give a try.

Oh, an offended fanboy who talks shit without any intelligent argument to validate a further explanation of his words. And then you accuse me of ''blinding idiocy''?


*Giggle, giggle* ...You said ''butt fuck''... *giggle, giggle*

Sweeeeeeeet!!! Green light it is, then!

Does this feel like a Bethesda game? What I mean is, when you play and get into it, do you get a ''oh yeah, this totally feels like it comes from the same people from Skyrim and Fallout'' feeling?