I Loathe Kinja

I never said he used the straw fallacy inaccurately. If you learn to read (it's not hard, you should try it), you will notice how I never questioned the accuracy (of his use) of the alleged fallacy. I didn't even dignify his mention of it, since I found it to, ironically, be completely out of this conversation's

Haha, I'd play that for sure.

It's the internet, dude. People on the internet CAN'T relax; they have a gigantic chip up their ass, so they are compelled to bitch about pretty much anything.

Oh, wow, you can actually do that?

Excellent taste, my friend! Quick, I must befriend the likes o' you. Why? Fuck should I know... sometimes I horde internet buddies like pokemon.

Man, someone should make an exhibit of gaming's various pieces of concept art.

Ugh, Satan... stop with the daddy issues.

Did you really just used the expression ''gods''? And you expect me to take you seriously after that? Really?

W-where... did you get... THAT INCREDIBLE PICTURE!?!?

Well, that would suck.

It's all good. I used some harsh words as well, lol. Anyway, you can't really expect most people to make sense, because, well, most people are irrational. But every once in a while, there's room for some nice debate.

I'm drinking coffee and having a snack, so I'll just tell you to read my reply to user Odin's reply (the one right before my last reply to him; the others are just arguing, haha). I'm too lazy right now to address you directly, and that pretty much sums up what I'd tell you too.

The thing about DLC (and this is something I didn't write in my original comment), is that while there are benefits to it, like the inclusion of things that would've otherwise been cut, many companies shamelessly abuse its profitability potential. Capcom is one of the guiltiest firms in this regard. Take the Street

What pisses me off the most is when a story-driven game is intentionally gimped out and details about the plot are severed from the campaign so that they can sell them to you later. Multiplayer DLC, I don't mind (because I never play multiplayer, ha!).

LOOOOL. Your comment is full of so much win!

As will I, my friend! And might I add, that is one most glorious nickname you have! Despite being allergic to them, cats always make my day.

How convenient. You're not ''wasting your breath'' simply because you have none. The next time, do yourself a favor and validate your own words. By doing so, people might actually end up agreeing with you, instead of just looking like some moron with a big mouth. Otherwise, just shut up.

Hehehe, yeah I was being trollish. Anyway, I don't watch it.

If you're gonna do it, do it. If not, then don't bother replying again.

Sorry. Never watched the anime. I have taste, you see.