I Loathe Kinja

Care to back up your words there, smartass? Would you kindly explain further, instead of just posting something completely devoid of a 'why'?

''Hooks'' doesn't mean ''the entire fucking expansion,'' which has been done time and again by Capcom. Fucking idiot...

HA! True.

The extra content which is actually worth it (like the Jill campaign from RE5) is unlikely to be given for free, dude.

It's amazing how companies try to give a ''rational'' explanation for this kind of bullshit. The saddest thing of all is that some people actually believe it.

I know, but it's still very convenient for them. Especially since this was never outlined in the first games. If anything, I'm willing to bet they pulled those concepts out of their asses as soon as they began receiving some political heat.

Very well played, sir. Now, how about a Jill sandwich? You dig?

For a moment there, I thought it was another Minecraft concoction. Man, I wish I was good at LEGOs...

So, as long as you don't ''insult'' religion, it's perfectly OK to kill and maim and slaughter as many other virtual men as you possibly can?


But doesn't that sound too convenient? I mean, if it were outlined right from the very beginning that Pokemon actually want to fight, then fine. But after like three console generations and a shitload of sequels, it's only until now that they're coming up with this twist.

I find PETA's sensationalism as distasteful as anyone else, but I've always found Pokemon to be... odd. I don't know; maybe I'm being an enemy of fun here, but forcing little critters to come with you (against their will), and pitting them against each other has always struck me as being somewhat cruel. Don't get me

Thanks for the kind words, my friend! I mean, I see where she's coming from, trying to immerse herself in the game a little more (or at lest wanting to do so).

''Freewoman'' sounds like a butch lesbian feminist. Hell, she might be more badass than Gordon himself!

There are some good games with female leads, though.

Don't forget to snap your fingers thrice in the air while making a Z motion.

Alright. But one of my issues with her comment is the patronizing attitude in which she engages. That ''but of course, this is a video game'' trivializing outlook in the matter is frankly quite stupid. It implies this is the only medium in which protagonists are mostly male, and in case she hasn't noticed, females

If that's the case, then her comment is confusing playing HOW you want to play as opposed to as WHO you want to play. Despite of the preset protagonist, you, in fact, can play as you see fit.

It must've sucked for you that Harry Potter wasn't Harriett Potter, or that Max Payne wasn't Maxine Payne. It is also PREPOSTEROUS that the next Lara Croft game won't have an option to allow me to play as a male character. And you know what maked those Batman movies suck? Batman's always a man. Of course, I mean,

Exactly. It's not like suddenly your thoughts went into a clusterfuck of consumerism and you thought to yourself, ''OMFG, I need to buy a Wii now!''