I Loathe Kinja

Does Sony even have money for lawyers right now? They're up to their eyeballs in debt, and this definitely seems like an unnecessary money spill.

Don't forget the moronically low amount of RAM the PS3 has.

Rob Fahey's quotation is, while harsh, true.


The PlayStation has always been my console of choice, but this kind of bullshit makes me feel completely disgusted by Sony. It even makes me feel glad they're on the brink of bankruptcy.

I did't know about those, either. Might have to do some research on 'em as well.

Ah, sounds awesome. But you forgot the chocolates. NEVER forget to mention the chocolates!

Gotcha. Any thoughts on where to go? If I knew the language, I'd head for the Czech Republic, man. I would delight my eyes with the most beautiful women in Europe. A buddy of mine went, and he says you actually have to make an effort if you want to spot a girl who's not ridiculously hot!

I don't understand if that's a metaphor for quitting the conversation, or if you actually mean that you're moving out of the US, lol. :P

I didn't know who you meant, so alright. Still, the problem wasn't ''fixed'' in the good sense of the word. Iraq is still unbalanced, and the United States sure as hell isn't interested in positioning a just leader in power. Just someone who plays along with their own corruption. And going into a country and

In regards to Japan, we will never know. For better, or worse, we'l just never know.

Interesting. I'll have to see what the nearest lodge is here. Thanks, man!

An angle I had not considered that is most likely true. :P

Hmm, I wonder if Courtney Love's lawsuit is still standing, or if it also reached a settlement. Or maybe dropped altogether... :/

''Potential'' is the key word here, but OK. Even if we concentrate on the latest example, being Iraq, there's really no comparison.

As opposed to the bodycount left by the American army wherever they attack? Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq...

Besides the obvious fact that you cannot compare a paid gaming service to a free social networking service, there is also the more than obvious fact that just because a billion people are on Facebook, doesn't mean a billion people play games (on Facebook, or otherwise).

Comment of not just the year, but of Kotaku. This is the best comment of Kotaku. Oficially.

It's curious how the most diplomatic of historical figures are always noted for their passion of getting sauced. A good drunk is a good philosopher, it would seem. Or the other way around, actually...

You see? SOPA clearly went in and censored Franklin's depiction in Family Guy, and replaced it with that villainous Edison. *shakes fist*