I Loathe Kinja

Oh, wow. That was actually... unexpected. :P

Hopefully, it won't come to that. Even Valve tried it and dropped it. The only reason I could give any less of a fuck over The Walking Dead videogame is precisely due to its episodic delivery model.

That's interesting. What are the requirements to become one? Are they an elitist group? Fraternities have always been a curious topic to me.

Wasn't he kind of implied to be a Templar in the logs found, starting with Assassin's Creed II?

I agree with you. That being said, I was going to post a link to a funny clip of Franklin being an ass to his neighbors (who are freezing, because they don't have a heater, because they don't have electricity), but I guess YouTube got SOPA'd and now I can't find it anymore. Oh, well...

Glad to see intelligence and common sense still exist. Especially upon looking for it on the internet! Well said, my friend.

This has got to be among the smartest and most interesting debates I have witnessed on Kotaku, holy fuck. I'm now curious as to learn more of American history (I'm not American) and get a better understanding on the structure of economy. This is the kind of shit that impressed me about the internet: out of the blue,

The only reason I clicked on this article was to get a better look at it.

What are you talking about? And where are my meds? WHERE ARE MY MEDS?

See, now you're getting it.

True. Luckily, games Chrono Trigger doesn't rely on random encounters, but good luck with Final Fantasy ports.

But gaming... with that smell... really!? I thought it was only my brother who enjoyed to catch 'em all as he dumped 'em all.

No, man. You don't understand. The actors ARE shit. They're genetically enhanced pieces of shit that the government leased out to the studio. That screenshot you posted is one of the main characters.

I don't know if this is some clever way of insulting me, but even if you are, I can't stay mad at you. That comment actually made me laugh a bit, I admit. :)

I don't know... maybe it has to do with the Skyrim comparison? That's a PC and console game, you know.

The developers are misusing the given hardware, so it's an issue of how they design their games with the hardware. Anyway, I gotta go to work, so I might not reply anymore, but good debate. Initial smartassery aside, I actually enjoyed debating with someone with valid points. Hard to find that 'round here.

Sony and Nintendo's handhelds have buttons and joysticks. Point voided.

Uh, yes it is, Scotty. Even if you have the greatest touchscreen in the world, if the developers screw up the way in which you interface (via the touchscreen, which is hardware, believe it or not) with the game, then you get a dull experience. Street Fighter IV for iOS is an example of how the immersiveness is lost

And if they enjoy Angry Birds, and Plants VS Zombies, good for them. But your argument keeps being flawed, since:

Yes, with third-party controllers. How many people buy those? Because how many people buy a tablet specifically for gaming? Try to make more sense (or at least have a more realistic grasp on facts) when attempting to be a smartass, Scotty.