I Loathe Kinja

Leftist philosopher, eh? Sounds like an interesting man.

Is it me, or does Satoru Iwata seem to be the only CEO in this industry who truly understands video games and actually cares for us gamers? The Wii may not be my favorite console, but because of people such as Mr. Iwata, Nintendo stands as one of the companies I respect the most.

Ain't that the damn truth... :(

As soon as I read the headline, I knew it was an article by Brian Ashcraft. Oh, Bashcraft; you never disappoint. Somehow, you always manage to make me smile like a complete pervert. I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing, but I enjoy it. :)

As soon as I read the headline, I knew it was an article by Brian Ashcraft. Oh, Bashcraft; you never disappoint. Somehow, you always manage to make me smile like a complete pervert. I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing, but I enjoy it. :)

I see no problem with the person's gender, just as I see no problem with her skills. You're hung up with the gender more than anything else. Whether she's a girl, or a guy, the fact of the matter is that she's good. Maybe not the best, granted, but good. And I see no problem of her video being featured on Kotaku as a

Is that the best reply you could come up with? Come on, even the other guy did better than you.

Heard y'all mo'fuckas were in need of some mo' approval. You got mine.

Exactly, it's about skill. And she's skilled. There are always people who will beat your record, but you can't post all of them here. Either way, if you don't like what you see here, then don't see it and shut the fuck up already. Move along, period.

Have you ever thought that maybe because she's good? There might be other who play the game better, but that doesn't change the fact that she's good.

Kotaku, be more professional, please. Stop this sensationalist bullshit.

OK, now THAT'S sexist.

The line you quoted from me is far from sexist. I wrote that, because he's just being a dick. Whether it's a guy, or a girl, I would've told abort_user to stop bashing his, or her merit. What, are you some kind of moron that I have to explain the very basics of such a simple concept?

What you HAVE done, is talk a LOT of shit and not done anything to back your words up. Until you prove you are better than her, shut up. I don't care if any other people are better. I'm interested in what YOU can do with Ninja Gaiden. So far, as evidenced, nothing.

I'm not interested in any other videos, or any other comments. If you're gonna talk shit, provide something to back your words up. In this case, a video demonstrating that YOU are better than HER would be the only valid type of evidence.

If you are better than the girl, then provide the evidence. Post a video and say something in the video that proves it's really you.

If you suck at Ninja Gaiden, then shut the fuck up already. The girl might not be the best NG player in the world but she is, by no means, bad.

Having an opinion isn't trolling, that's absolutely right. Yet, when you denigrate someone else's merit simply because you think you're better, or because you've seen other being better than someone in particular, then that's trolling.

Then you're just another troll.

That's true, but don't bash on the girl, lol.