I Loathe Kinja

I'm so sick of all these morons who keep pitting traditional console/PC gaming against social/casual gaming. Social games are never going to kill console games, just as much as console games are never going to kill social games, simply because they are two different markets. I'd go as far as saying they're two

The one on the right is the Fox-rendered image.

This is a pretty sweet unlockable! Also, it'd be cool if he could have a special array of moves based on powers from various characters he has created, and/or lines. Like, if he could say ''Flame On!'' and stuff like that.

I'm pretty sure I had downloaded a Prince of Persia remake on PSN some years ago...

Did he get a reply from Jordan Mechner? I'm assuming Mechner replied, since he still has the letter. Is the reply also public now?

If it actually were ''Ka-Ti'', people would just call him Katie, lol. :P

What does that mean?

I think you're thinking Xbox and Xbox 360, because I'm pretty sure the PS2's GPU was done by Sony (it was called the Dream Synthesizer, or something like that). Now, for the Xbox, Microsoft contracted Nvidia and for the 360, the GPU was done by ATI, if I'm not mistaken.

Why, you think that's ''trying to look badass'' or something? Are you an easily impressionable person, guy? But anyway, I'll give you credit that I'm being a little dickish against the game. I think it's boring as shit, but lots of people like it, so yeah... hooray for them. It's just that those ''proud atheists'' are

Alright, fair enough. I could've misunderstood the intended tone of your question.

Just as you replied me first, right? I tend to reply to every post I'm addressed. If you don't want me to reply to your comments, then don't leave any. Hehe, moron.

Thanks, man! I'm so on this.

This was a very good article and it was done in no time, wow. I'm very impressed by this, Plunkie (I had already told you, Plunkett, I'm gonna start calling you Plunkie). Thumbs up, man.

Hey, that would work, too. Thanks, Malcolm's dad! Love the hat.

Ah, I'm keeping my hopes up, then!

Exactly what I think of every time I hear that band mentioned...

You know, this would be interesting if you actually mass-murdered American soldiers. Everyone is expecting to kill a bunch of red coats, but it would be an unexpected spin if you ended up killing American revolutionaries. Hmmm...

And I give two shits about what you think... why, exactly?

Holy crap, this is in Japanese only! Mega-bummer!! I'll try looking for a fansub.

O rly? I'm gonna have to google that one up. I hope it's a good sequel, though. CT made my childhoom awesome!