I Loathe Kinja

Yeah, but Sega Genesis wasn't exactly murdering the SNES over here, so Shining Force is something I, for example, haven't ever even played. Or watch someone play. Hell, I don't even knoe someone who knows someone who's ever played it. Besides, Breath of Fire and lots of other great SNES RPGs were doing fine. Chrono

I didn't read the whole thing (cuz I'm on my way out right now), so I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but (if I'm not mistaken) this wasn't even supposed to be a sequel to Chrono Trigger. At least not in Japan, since the game is called Radical Dreamers over there, or something along those lines. It received the

WOA, WOA, WOA, WOA... Let's all calm the fuck down now, son. We don't wanna be startin' somethin' here. Don't want people to get the wrong idea, son. Watch yer mouth, young'un.

Also, true.


To undermine the fact that Quake is not the only game where a rail gun is used. Not by a long shot. Anything else, smartass?

Um... isn't this incredibly stupid? Isn't he deliberately giving away his identity by doing this? Is he retarded? I don't even know what to think. I thought hackers were supposed to be smart, not retards.

Yeah, but the PS3 is powerful enough to emulate the PS2 in software and look how that turned out...

I NEED backwards compatibility. This was my single biggest issue with the fucking PS3. Please don't take that away from me (again), Sony.

Yeah, it's called sarcastic questioning.

Well, kids who try hard to look ''badass'' (like the above commenter, moeria) NEED this kind of shit just to prove to society that they're bad enough to defy the religious and moralist establishments... anonymously on the internet, in the privacy of their own homes/Facebook pages. In other words, it's a game for

What the hell is Quake? Anyway, the first thing that comes to mind when I hear ''rail gun'' is every Metal Gear Solid (except for Snake Eater).

X and square.

No prob!

I know it was sarcasm, moron. Which is why I said you TRIVIALIZED it. I'm guessing you didn't know what the word meant before you posted this and made a complete ass out of yourself, hahahaha! Oh, man... you make it too easy.

For you guys playing through MGS2 again (or for the first time) on the MGS HD Collection, once you beat it, enter the Konami Code at the rank screen for, uh, something. I don't remember what, but just do it.

Nope. It's Grah-dee-us. Check it on Wikipedia:

Ironically, the ''point'' you're trying to make now is one which you trivialized in your previous comment by saying that people shouldn't ever speak. Troll harder, boy. :)

The word ''rape'' conveys an entirely different act to mind that the phrase ''kick their ass.'' If you care to try to be a smartass again, at least try harder.

Having the ability to express yourself freely is not a free pass to say horrible things, just because you felt like it. Rape isn't something you should joke around with. And those countries, like North Korea, have eliminated free speech precisely with the convenient excuse of keeping morons like this Bahktanians