I Loathe Kinja

Dude, I don't even wanna look...

They should all be turned into bacon. Bacon fights for the forces of good, actually. I love bacon. :)

About time horror games paid more attention to pigs. Fucking things are frightening...

''Time to nut up, or shut up.''

I'm the same way, but do yourself a favor and get Amnesia. It's really good (and really scary). Also, Dead Space ain't got shit on Amnesia when it comes to scary.

Man, scientists really have a thing for Pac-Man, eh? Not long ago, they also named a type frog they discovered, ''the Pac-Man frog.''

I lol'd hard. Excellent job, sir.

Hahaha, I don't like people either. I avoid going downtown as much as I can, but those I consider friends I cherish forever. Hell, my best friend I've known since we were 6 years old. More and more you sound like an international counterpart of me. That's actually the highest of compliments one could ever possibly

Hell hath no fury like nerd rage. Glad to see this coming here!

Hooray! I'm a happy camper. :) Thanks a lot, I'm gonna look into more of their music right away.

Hey, that song is pretty awesome. Anyone know the name, or who plays it?

Unless this winds up being as groundbreaking as Metal Gear Solid was back in 1998, it's gonna feel like a cheap, franchise-milking sequel. I'm used to each MGS feeling like a work of art. This, however, is rubbing me off the wrong way. Like an Activision game, or something.

Um... I'm afraid to say this, but... enough is enough.

Yeah. I'm not gonna be a hypocrite; I sometimes snap at people if their comments annoy me, though I usually have a reasonable cause for doing so. Sometimes I jump the gun early, though, haha. But yeah, American society in general is ultra sensitive and far too bitchy.

If we pretend this wasn't Strider, then that's one sweet looking teaser. As a Strider teaser, however, this is awful. Capcom should stop screwing up their oldschool (i.e. their best) franchises. Bionic Commando: REarmed was, like, their one good call.

Holy shit; I... I'm speechless. I can't think of anything clever to say, because there isn't anything that's on my mind right now that you haven't already written and in a better way. I don't know if ''articulate'' would be the word... I dunno. You should, like, start a blog about this, or something. I really can't

I thought this was gonna have a streaming media link somewhere and that the site would be accessed free of charge. I have become both lazy and cheap. Hooray for me.

Perfect comment right there. I hearted you. And I would've starred you, if I could. I say ''I'd star you, if I could'' a lot, but this is one of those rare cases in which it's actually true, lol.

Ironically, that sounds extremely racist. I know it's true, but racist in its own right. Because in the end, really, which culture in the world isn't? :P

Oh, Beefy. You always crack me up. It's funny, because it's pedoph... Wait, what?!