I Loathe Kinja

Best reply ever in regards to DLC costume packs. I'd star you, if I could.

I almost included them in my top five (I know, I cheated), but Persona 3's last boss made me hate Atlus so hard. Motherfucker nearly gave me an aneurysm. To this day, I still can't beat him. I get his HP as low as I can, and then he uses some cheap spell which makes one of my party members heal him. Completely. After

Good answer, lol.

Yeah, that'd be my pick, too. Can you tell? ;)

Kojima Productions, I guess. Reading people's top five is more fun, though. Here's mine:

Hehe, I love it how you included a TLDR edition. I rate your review 10/10.

I want TF2 beards. FOR EVERYONE!

I gathered two things from your comment. The first one, that you're trying to justify their lower salaries with selfish and trivial reasons. The second one is that you are pulling false data straight out your ass, since that bonus, as you describe it, is factually incorrect.

You're absolutely right. The fact that a substantial part of China still lives under conditions of poverty must have absolutely nothing to do with their salaries.

Well, the only real competition there was Assassin's Creed. This was kind of a given.

Every time I read something spoken by David Perry, it's something stupid. Today was, it seems, no different. And he tries to cloak his bullshit by starting with ''I know this is gonna sound crazy, but...''.

It's Activision. This kind of disgusting behavior is to be expected of them.

At least wait for the next generation of consoles to release this kind of shit, lol.

You're right. Looks like it's gonna be far worse, than I initially expected.

Gone will be the metal soundtrack. Prepare for it all to be purely techno and hip-hop. The cast will be a multi-ethnic forced mix of (lame) hollywoodized characters and the story will probably somehow end up with American drivers saving democracy from the evil clutches of drivers who come from, well, the rest of the

I'm so loving the title of this article. :)

Hehe, great friggin' name for this!

The hell is the matter with that ginger guy?

This sucks. My condolences go to his friends and family. :(

He's older than me and this kind of stuff puts me into perspective thought as well. Just as easily as someone dies, you can die, too. Disaster strikes anyone, anywhere and without mercy. You just never, ever think it's gonna be you.