I Loathe Kinja

You know, buddy, you should probably learn to write properly before posting criticism in regards to, well, anything. The question you wrote, structurally, is quite broken. Terrible way to convey a message (at least an intelligent one).

This, I can wholeheartedly say, is a perfect article. Brilliant, for fuck's sake. Well done, Mr. Hamilton!

Wow, you've got some pretty sweet melodies there. Great thread!


Oh, Jesus Christ; remember that amazing press conference? ''EXTREEEEEEEME.''

There's an easy way to fix Zelda: take Eiji Aonuma away from Zelda. The man made a big contribution by successfully translating the game from 2d to 3D, but that's it. He's past his prime.

Thank you. That's all I wanted.

What... the fuck?

I'm switching over to Pepsi for good.

Now it is! Well, I don't know who he is. I read an interview he had with Hideo Kojima back when MGS4 was about to launch, but I've never actually seen him. If he actually *is* black, then that's pretty funny, lol.

But that's just it. I'm not defending Sony and never did. All I did was answer your question. You asked me how I thought the Vita would fair (which, by the way, is completely off topic from my original post) and then I apparently gave you an answer you didn't like. You called it ''fanboyism'' and rejected the fact

I've given you explanation after explanation and you are just too stupid to understand what I'm telling you. You're either stupid, brain-damaged, or you just want to hear what you want to hear. Much like fanboys do. :)

Heard it first in, like, 2004. Ahh, great times!

Plunkie, you've done it again. Another cool article to make up for those which make me hate you. For tonight, I love you. Make me yours, Plunkie. My body is ready. Is it cool if I call you Plunkie, Luke? I feel it makes us bros.

OH MY GOD. You seriously can't be this incredibly stupid. Right? Right?!

Based on how, in my opinion, they have marketed the Vita better than the PSP and how well received it has been by the media, I can then form speculation that it might sell better than its predecessor, since you obviously can't hypothesize upon anything without first looking at some facts. The fact alone that I have to

Wow. Just wow. Are you that desperate to try and seem smart? You have got to be literally among the stupidest people I have ever mentioned in this entire website. I never ''backtracked'' to anything and if you were intelligent enough to have understood that in the first place my point has nothing to do with how Sony

N'Gai Coral sounds like Nokia's successor to the N-Gage. Get the new N'Gai from GameStop! We have two colors: Coral Blue, or if you prefer, it also comes in Jet Black.

We need a worldwide release for this game. Port it over to the Vita, or port it over to the PS3 via PSN. Like Nike says, Just Do It.

I said it was my own personal speculation and I gave you the reasons for such hypothetical conslusions. Are you really this fucking stupid?