I Loathe Kinja

Yeah, I don't like this meme either, but I admit this particular one made me chuckle.

Yeah, like I said, my problem isn't with how mistaken Phil Harrison was. You seem to want to argue about Vita numbers, so... yeah.

Yes, they certainly have. But what ticks me isn't what Sony said. It's what the article is trying to do. Seems like it's just there to start a fire and makes the site look biased.

Interesting. I'm gonna download this.

This article has no intellectual value whatsoever. Its purpose is solely for people to hate on Sony, because of the words of someone who isn't even at Sony any longer. This marks the second ''article'' of this obnoxious kind I see from this ''writer'' in less than a week.

Hmmm... I love Twisted Metal. I don't know if I should be excited, or scared about this.

MGS is my favorite game series, but frankly speaking, I thought MGO was horrible. Just because a game can have multiplayer doesn't mean it should. Metal Gear's gameplay mechanics don't work well enough for a competitive multiplayer game. Works fine for co-op, though.

Small development studios simply cannot afford to bleed $40,000 each and every single time they want to update their games. It may not be a problem for major publishers like EA, or Activision, but obviously not everyone has the massive funds companies such as those two have.

That's monopolistic capitalism for ya.

I may kinda hate you Plunkett, but goddammit, you always post links to some of the coolest and most stylized game-inspired stuff out there.

Yup. Here ya go, buddy:

Ten bucks says it ends up as a hidden costume/easter egg on his next game.

Oh, nice fucking going there Microsoft and Sony. Keep driving smaller studios farther away. The reasons keep piling up for these guys to go PC-only.

I seriously read #3 as Lord Awayfromkeyboard. :P

Oh, wow, that's... um, that's... well, interesting.

If Plunkett didn't like the structure of the ''game,'' nor the story, but still recommends Dear Esther, well hell... it must be something quite special in one way, or another. I'm definitely checking it out. I'm also keeping an open mind, since the review also gives a heads-up for the flavor of the story. Anybody

So... they rush the repairs and put their services back online half-assedly?

The store is working fine for me (though, there's no way in hell I'm submitting my CC info at a time like this). Achievements, which won't unlock if you play offline, are also working.

Demon's Souls is a game that will obliterate your self-esteem in 10 minutes. How the hell can you not hate it after two hours? :P

Likely what really happened. Even I hated the game during my first two hours.