I Loathe Kinja

Hahahahahahaha! Oh, man... you made my day. :)

And then it'll break that man like a twig.

That's it. This is the perfect comment for this thread. No more comments from here on.

Well, that's a step forward for the asexual community, at least!

Haha, that's true on all accounts. And yeah, the dialogue could use some revision. ''That damn desease.'' Oh, come on! :P

Valve was more specific, that's true.

Sony figured it out in much less time. And they allegedly had a ''mediocre'' infrastructure.

Yeah, I know. They admit the probability of transaction data theft until now, though.

Ohhh, that's right; Volgin was into a Raiden-looking guy. How could I have forgotten that. That part where you dress up as Raiden was hilarious!

I would stop buying Take-Two games, if they became Activision games. The sheer thought of it makes me want to vomit and take a shit on my neighbor's driveway. And I like my neighbor.

I was thinking the exact same thing. It would be awesome if you could choose individually for each character. Like, maybe you want to hear the new James, but keep Maria's original voice-over intact. That'd be pretty cool, I think.

The art in Skyrim is the only thing I find interesting from that whole game. This is, I guess, a sign that Bethesda has now absolutely nothing I would be interested in.

And Valve decides to come clean with this shit until NOW?!?! WTF!!

This is a stupid and pretentious idea. It's like Hollywood trying to be multicultural: All you're gonna get are characters of blatant ethnic diversity who look weird and forced into whatever role they write them up for.

Call me crazy, but I like the new voice-overs better. Good job, Konami!

And with that, my friend, you hit the nail on the head.

Meanwhile, everywhere else...

I love you. I mean, I just hearted you, dude. Awesome post.

Alright... that was... differet.

Hahahaha! Exactly how I feel. :P