I Loathe Kinja

He did, as a matter of fact. He pretended to be an investor and actually got a tour of the facilities. He chatted with employees at Foxconn's cafeteria.

It was actually ''This American Life.'' Here, I looked it up for ya. Check it out if you have a moment. It's a very good podcast:

Because we love Timmy. That's why!


Great clip, man. Thanks for sharing it.

Apple, just as any other mega-conglomerate, is a company of shitty morals. Their now defunct leader, Steve Jobs, was a major sack of shit. Really, what did you expect?

Not entirely sure, but I *think* you can get it on Android phones.

I didn't find your joke funny, but it did remind me of a pretty funny t-shirt I once saw. It said ''Rehab is for quitters.'' I'm still trying to track it down.

I feel happy this happened. I really, really do.

Amazing poster. I'm buying one!

It doesn't apply.

Slow news day? Because this article is completely unnecessary. Quite stupid, as a matter of fact. If I'm playing something online and I jokingly tell someone (who would be dodging my attacks) to stop running like a little bitch, is there gonna be a feminist squad outside my house ready to chastise me because I used

And that hypocrisy is starting to become routine on this website.

Or maybe he murdered her and is now making it look as if she had ran away.

Option 1 cracked me up, but option 2 made me literally laugh out loud. :P

But SEAL Team 6 *IS* Secret Ninja Task Force! They just won't admit it, cuz it's a secret. If you read SEAL Team 6 backwards, it spells ''Secret Ninja Task Force.''

He could, but he shouldn't. Just read the article... that's not professional journalism and it's quite common in him. What surprises me is that he hasn't been fired yet.

I haven't been to Reddit much, so I dunno if that's a good thing, lol. I'll just pretend it is. :)

Could you be a little more of a jerk when breaking the news, Plunkett? I mean, I know this shit comes naturally to you (being a troll), but it's getting old. Sony may think it's still 2005, but you clearly think it's 1995, since you seem to believe that having 'tude is still cool, but you just come off as Gawker

Well, since it's three hours away from his home, I'm not surprised by his decision. He probably didn't have anytime left to neither eat, sleep, nor even play...