That’s crazy!
That’s crazy!
I was born in Belfast and we lived there until the mid 90s. I was born at a time when the violence of the Troubles was slowly, painfully drawing to a close. All the same, my earliest memory of home is a string of battered police vans rolling down the street outside my house.
There’s a documentary about female artists called Women. Art. Revolution which I highly recommend. There’s a part where the artists are talking about how they held a press conference (or something like that) in the seventies where all these awesome female artists shared their experiences of sexism in galleries and a…
Disclaimer: not my story, but my sister gave me permission to tell it.
This is the story of the second reason I no longer enjoy being in the woods.
I couldn’t find where the cut off date was so fingers crossed I’m not too late! CW for suicide, harm to animals, and mention of CSA.
I grew up in a very rural area, our house being one of the more remote in our little town. From the main road leading to actual cities, we were a few turns onto more secluded roads, eventually turning off onto a little dirt road weaving back into the forest that surrounded our house on three sides. Our nearest…
When I was 12, I briefly hung out with a group of girls who were more “mature” than I was—which is to say, they liked boys and makeup, and I was more of a play-with-my-American-Girl-dolls type of tween. One summer day we decided to dress up and walk around our town, which was basically an attention-getting exercise.…
Back in 2011 I spent 6 months studying abroad in Cape Town, SA. It was largely a great experience, but at least at that time the amount of violence against women was incredibly high. We were constantly warned by program admins to be on guard when we traveled around, but of course being 20 years old I didn’t take their…
Not sure if anyone will see this, but here’s something that happened to me about five months ago—two things, actually, separated by about three weeks. The first part is magical and strange, the second part is terrifying. I live in India and these two events took place during our second hard lockdown back in May. We…
Seek help immediately . You are playing metal gymnastics to excuse a 51 year old PEDOPHILE. Cognitive dissonance is a thing
I think she is the most qualified for the job of the people who are interested in running. I worry that people can’t see the good in her (same with HRC), and am concerned about her viability as a candidate. People seem to want to hate her. I think her DNA Test thing was badly handled, but it was a minor misstep to me…
It should be interesting to see the not-at-all sexist Bernie fans who totally did not refuse to vote for Hillary because she was a woman and who totally would have totally voted for Elizabeth Warren now find reasons to totally not support Elizabeth Warren.
I really would like to see Kamala Harris sink her teeth into D. Trump. I just want to hit fast forward on the shit show that will be the Primaries.
A consent guardian is a designated safe person at an event or venue who monitors the crowd for consent violations and to whom consent violations may be reported.
99% of the people I’ve encountered who go around saying that they’re “sensitive” or “empaths” were just wishful thinking. If you really are, you most likely don’t want it and don’t want to go around advertising it.
Yeah, I imagine she’s been estranged from her family. She spent her childhood telling everyone about this and nothing ever came of it.
For me, the problem with CK is that he was once so good at commenting about race, sexism and homophobia. Since then, we’ve learned that was a pose to inure himself from his history of abuse. If what I found most engaging about him was fake, I don’t think there’s a way I could enjoy his work in the future without…