
Co-signed. My dad taught me from a young age that power in the oval office was pretty predictable and that you don’t see back to back 8 year terms with one party in power. For some reason Americans get tired of one party and vote in the other after the last term is over. I think that’s what horrified me the most about

Michigan native and resident here. I can confirm - it’s all about the jobs here. Sure, there are the racists and misogynists, but the majority of people here voted for him because they believe he’ll bring their jobs back. My father was a union steward in a factory for years and he made sure his children didn’t have to

Festivus seems like a great idea this year. After all, I do have a lot of problems with people and I need to demonstrate my feats of strength. I’ve been practicing all year.

Well said! I keep saying something along these lines to people that I know who aren’t as worried about all this as they should be.

I grew up/live in a very rural area in the Midwest. The worst thing that my family or anyone that I know has experienced has been the loss of the factory jobs and snow. Those are the people I’m around all the time and I guess I get fed up with their comments (which match the ones shared in this article). They are the

I was using hyperbole, point taken. My point still stands that most Americans have no idea what it’s like to be in an active war zone on their home soil. Compared to other countries around the world, we are really spoiled.

Americans have been so spoiled for hundreds of years not having any war on our soil. Tweets like those shared here are a reflection of how spoiled we’ve been.

lol thank you! I like Ducky but my heart belongs to Illya.

Absolutely they do. I have family members who are like that. They see me as being beneath them because I don’t believe the way they do. So many arguments...

I don’t get it either. Obviously it’s more about control than anything else. If they actually read what Jesus said (according to the apostles) they would not act the way they do. Christianity is supposed to follow the teachings of Christ and he would be horrified at what people do in His name.

Yes, funny that. It’s almost like the book is open to interpretation...

One of my favorite points to bring up when I’m debating with a fundamentalist who has regressive views on women is this: if all that women are good for is having babies...why did God give them intelligence? If He did, that would be unbelievably cruel and I refuse to believe that my creator would have done that to me.

Absolutely your beliefs are strongly felt and they matter. I have a lot of issues with organized Christian religions, especially fundamentalists. I don’t know how many debates I’ve gotten into with fundamentalists which resulted in them getting very angry and flustered because I kept asking them how God wrote the

That is really what they believe. I blame a severe lack of sex education and information about human development.

Thank you for that! I wish there were more progressive Christians but sadly we are a minority. I keep trying to, pardon the wording, convert people to a more critical way of thinking about the Bible.

I traveled abroad shortly before the election and that was bad enough. I’m glad I’m not out and about right now. *cringe*

I belong to a Christian ideology that doesn’t read the Bible literally (a minority, I know) and because of that, I have a really, really hard time with people who do. I mean, really guys, the book was written by men who had their own interests to further. We have no way of knowing what God actually wanted because he

I identify as a Christian but I admire the Satanic Temple folks for their ability to troll the religious right in a way that works.

It’s really very good! It’s from the late 70s/early 80s and the set production isn’t the best, but the two of them acting together is amazing and so are the stories. I believe the show is on Youtube...

Have you watched Sapphire and Steel? It has the star of your avatar and mine together <3