
Ahh I was unaware. I will do so.

Thank you! It’s so ridiculous isn’t it? And thanks for the compliment on my avatar. I’m a female and I love me some Illya lol

As someone who lives in the “rust belt” I can say with some certainty that the people who voted for him will find someone else to blame for job loss. They really don’t understand some basic points about the factory jobs they are so worried about:

I totally understand why he doesn’t want to meet cheeto that is Trump. I hope this irritates him to no end. He’ll probably just figure out a way to say the professor is wrong and that everyone still loves him.

You better believe if they were pulling this crap in Michigan they would be hearing from me. I’d write to Kaisch but I don’t think he’d listen to an out of state person.

I think this is what scares me the most. Your life absolutely matters but it doesn’t to people like this. It’s so stupid and rage inducing and I just can’t anymore *flips table.*

It’s because they think that your life doesn’t matter. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard something along the lines of “once you have a baby, you have to put yourself aside” or “You’re selfish if you take time away from your baby, how could you do that????” or “What I want doesn’t matter, the baby’s wants (not

I get it - I would not want to be around people like that either. I just feel like I’m going to explode from a combination of rage and exhaustion right now.

Michigan needs help too! The crap that’s happening here is downright disturbing.

I know at least one person who voted for Trump who called Obama unpresidential because he went on talk shows. They have completely deluded themselves.

Well it just hit the papers that Bill Schutte (the Attorney General of Michigan) and the man behind the recount block, has said he is considering running for Governor in 2017. How about that.

Thank you, the encouragement helps so much. Sometimes I look around and I see all the support for the cheeto and his shenanigans and I feel like I’m shouting into the wind. I’ve flat out told several of the people in the state government that they have definitely lost my vote (they never had it but they don’t know

Thank you, the encouragement helps. I feel helpless too, even though I live in Michigan. I do what I can to fight all this horribleness coming out of this election but it’s very exhausting.

Thank you! It just feels so hopeless sometimes, you know? This whole election has me exhausted.

I have written emails today, I plan on sending some paper letters too. I’m sick of my state pulling crap like this.

I wrote to the people involved in blocking this in Michigan (I am a resident of the mitten) and let them know that their behavior has me suspicious, which is the exact opposite of what they want, no?

I am not a conspiracy theorist but this behavior on their end makes me wonder what they are hiding?

I know it won’t ultimately do any good, but I’ve written letters to the Michigan Secretary of State and to Bill Schutte letting them know that their behavior indicates they have something to hide and that I am going to make sure to let everyone that I know not to vote for any of these people involved in blocking it in

I’ve been writing to the people involved in this blocking of the recount all morning. I’m absolutely disgusted with my home state right now.