
I’m scared and I feel so helpless. I voted, I’ve written to Congress, I’ve challenged people who want to oppress women, but I just feel so helpless. It feels like this is going to happen no matter what I or any of us do. I really wish more people with power would do something to stop this nonsense.

It’s hard for me to “get it” too. I think that if you live a life in which intelligence isn’t valued, and is in fact looked down on, it’s easy to get into those kinds of thought patterns.

I know, it’s very frustrating.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen in my hometown (or as I like to call it, Trumpland) anytime soon. 99 percent of the people there are content to go to work, go home, watch TV or hunt, and go to bed. There’s no “reading” or “thinking” anywhere in their lives. I suspect that town is pretty representative of

Me, me me, I, I, I = Trump Supporter.

Propaganda. That’s all I have to say on that...

It’s kind of like letting a kid hurt themselves a little so they finally learn why you keep saying “no.” You can keep slapping their hand away from the (metaphorical) wasp but eventually they’ll get stung and then they’ll figure out that maybe you shouldn’t mess with the nasty, stinging insect after all.

I’m not normally a person who feels vindictive but I am totally with you on this. No sympathy from me at all.


I think they are still angry because they know the majority of people don’t agree with them and it bothers them.

Me too, I think a lot of us are. As a resident of Michigan it really feels hopeless. All I see is gloating around me and calls of “suck it up buttercup,” “Stop being a crybaby,” “Move to Canada,” and so on, ad nauseum. I want the Democratic party to unite, I want to make a difference and fight against the racism,

I do not get the whole “this guy is handsome” deal. I’m white and I see this guy and I have to resist the urge to punch him in the face. Not just because he’s a racist piece of trash, but also because it’s obvious he’s trying so hard to look good and failing. Dudes racism shows and he is all the uglier for it.

The problem, as I have run into with some people I know in person, is that some of those women don’t think they are ugly/fat. They have some kind of mental protection that keeps them from seeing themselves as they really look.

Oh and said person that I know totally voted for him, because of course she did.

I don’t either. I wish I had an ounce of the self esteem they seem to have.

This! It’s so obvious to me what he’s doing and people don’t see it. It’s so frustrating to watch!

Me too friend. Me too. It’s going to be a test of love for sure.

I know someone who falls squarely into the over-tanned bleach blonde demographic. She thinks she looks good - that’s the only explanation I have for this. They think they look good and that Donnie would love them if he got to know them and see how beautiful they are *gag.*

I’m starting to feel like a helpless bystander watching a train collision.

The irony is too much sometimes. My dad, who has been gone for awhile now, was very perceptive when it came to politics. He was “uneducated” In that he never got a college education but he was still highly intelligent and held progressive views compared to his peers. He often said that there was nobody dumber than the