This is basically the entire crypto industry, too. Like, literally the whole-ass thing rofl.
This is basically the entire crypto industry, too. Like, literally the whole-ass thing rofl.
Live look at Faze:
Posting is his “passion,” he told the news station, so he’s intent to return to YouTube.
There was lost hype? My hype has always been in possession for this! BOTW is amazing and this should be too!
or maybe I just enjoy things.
I guess my assumption is (especially with the 10 min reveal of Tears coming up) that Nintendo’s idea is that promoting the first game promotes the second without revealing anything new (and also potentially gives Nintendo more sales of BotW).
But still, many found it strange that just a few days ago, Nintendo would share a video about a bowling range in Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule rather than take the opportunity to drum up excitement for its sequel, which has remained remarkably shrouded in secrecy even two months before its planned release.
I’ve been reading your comments. If you aren’t the author of the article, you think a lot like him and want people to understand his point of view.
I know Brandon too and while he did confirm that he knows you, he said not to trust a single word you say because you are a liar and a scoundrel.
Akechi is a cop that murdered Futabas mother, which in turn made Sad Coffee Dad Sojiro a bachelor for life. There is nothing to like with this kid. I’m glad he died and I hope he is revived to die again. Fight me.
So, what you’re saying is (a) it’s a legitimate use for the money; (b) this article is uninformed BS; and (c) it’s going to generate unnecessary fake outrage.
Thanks for the context,something the article is lacking.
This is good context. I feel like even without COVID there’s always going to be the “Well this money could’ve been better spent on...” response, but fun artistic enhancements and social support should not be mutually exclusive.
oh my god stop being dumb, its a great idea
They've both put a lot of money into the town over the years. Eastman even ran a museum to host his comic art collection. And both are fairly over the Turtles. Odds are good this is really just "We have $20k left, we have to spend it, how?"
It isn’t exactly accurate that the ARPA funds in question were for COVID response. These ARPA State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) dollars can also be used on any government costs that could have otherwise been funded by regular government revenues (taxes, license fees, etc), as a replacement for revenues that…
In my experience, there’s always a chance when you walk by a manhole cover that a purple robot ninja will jump out of the sewer and throw the cover at you, so I guess get good at catching?
Third-party is always used in reference to a first-party, but the definition of the first-party changes depending on the context. All of Square Enix’s games are third-party if we’re talking about them in reference to the platform holders like Sony, Microsoft as well, but obviously not if we’re just looking within the…
I’ve been a plumber for 30 years and you wouldn’t believe the amount of turtles I had to stomp daily.
Nope. Fucking pass.