
I’m not sure what this says about me, but when I woke up and saw this this morning, it kinda made me actually tear up a bit? I dunno. There’s just so much bad shit everywhere, and this industry in particular has been so shitty to so many people, that I guess it’s just really fucking nice to actually see something nice

I’m sure it’s just a Switch 2 at this point, I hope they name it the “Super Nintendo Switch”.

Using a mouse and keyboard involves me sitting at a desk and using a mouse and keyboard, which I do 50% of my working day.

Are you suggesting that white conservative men don’t have enough representation?

Well, I did take pains to pinpoint exactly what bothers me about the way certain things are portrayed, about the framing of the topics at hand and how the jokes (and yes, the satire) are applied to them and why I think the show does a very bad, destructive job of handling the topics at hand (which again, this cartoon

I haven’t the faintest idea. I don’t really know why you’re writing any of these comments, what it is you get out of it, and I don’t think I want to find out.

Well then. I’ll consider the point I made about you proven.

They also play as an international hitman, yet they don’t want to be actual hitmen. How strange.

If you want full immersion, you can clean my backyard.

Boomers live for this shit. And sure, I’m stereotyping, but I can think of many fathers (including my own) where going out and finding that “deal” was the weekend hobby (instead of the things that lazy, poor people do, like go for a walk, or play golf).

I didn’t say you didn’t get a good deal, I said you didn’t get a deal $12k better than the random schmuck off the street.

This looks like a combination of three of my former jobs; Gas Station Attendant (1980, when I was 18, Hudson Oil just past 9 Mile in Warren MI), Receiving Manager (Schottenstein’s/Value City, 2000-2004) and Housewares/Toys/Sports “manager” (Schott/VC, 2004-2005 (when we shut down)).

I CURRENTLY work gas station retail, and I would LOVE to throw tires at some of my customers.

I dunno. I have a phobia about running a gas station ever since the can incident.

This. There’s a whole generation of folks where negotiating is part of the buying process, and that generation is dying out (sorry to be put it into such blunt terms).

People don’t want to feel like they’re getting screwed. It’s a useful fiction so people can buy the car and not think about it too much.

“WTF??? People would rather just pay “what Ford says the car costs” instead of investing a few hours shopping around/negotiating to save thousands of dollars? Who are these people?”

I wish the producers of the Terminator movies felt the same way. 

Now playing

I don’t know that I’ve ever been so disappointed in myself for laughing until I cried as with this classic: