
I actually prefer the unscented version of this it works perfectly. I get rashes from other “natural” deodorants for some reason.

I actually prefer the unscented version of this it works perfectly. I get rashes from other “natural” deodorants for

What happened to Sloane Stephens? It seemed like she was up and coming but it looks like she fell off recently.

This one is up there with Dyson’s evisceration of Cornel West. Impressive man.

I'm reading Tokyo Vice right now it's fascinating.

This was fantastic. I always heard about the underground clubs when I was in Tokyo. Another thing I heard about was if one goes to these clubs they would charge you exorbitant prices for drinks and if you don't pay they'd beat you down. When I was in Tokyo I pretty much made it a point to avoid the sketchy clubs just

How has nobody commented on this yet? This movie is amazing! I love the end credits where they show the crew visiting the stunt men in the hospital. If you haven't seen this you absolutely need to get on it.

Yes if your form breaks down on any exercise you can be injured. I'm just of the opinion that it's not actually possible to do a KB swing faster and the speed in which you do them really depends on your body type. Outside of the hardstyle swing which is slightly different but if you're doing those you probably know

KB Swings when done correctly to me are by far the safest exercise in the gym. I'm also of the opinion that one can only swing a kettlebell at a certain speed outside of using hardstyle techniques which are a different thing.

I have felt for a long time that things like the KB swing, Snatch are conditioning exercises. They are awesome for getting that APOC and for increasing your posterior chain strength. Honestly it's a lot better than just straight cardio since the afterburn is so much better.

Every time I read a new article on running it's something new. I mean dang can somebody figure this isht out already? I'm so confused. I'm gonna go lift a weight.

Can I just note that the older the technique is the more likely it is to be extremely helpful. Deads, squats, swings, get ups, presses, bench presses have been around for centuries and there's a reason. How long have machines been around? I say stick to what's proven.

All those guys are all show and no go classic early 90s style.

I assume you're white and a male. If that's true then I'd guess that you can identify with probably about 90% of all main characters in video games and the others are probably RPGs where you can design your own characters.

Great article and thanks for it. I understand most of the conversation was around the more realistic AAA titles but one thing that's bothered me recently is the lack of diversity in the more cartoony world of games. I've been playing a lot of Smash Bros and that's just the whitest cast of characters ever. I also was

Thanks a lot!

How real are supplements like protein? Can I generally trust my whey supplement to actually be made from whey? Also what about fish oil I've used that in the past every now and then.

God I've wanted one of those breville auto steep things for the longest.

God I've wanted one of those breville auto steep things for the longest.

I totally got one! Thanks yo!

I totally got one! Thanks yo!

Double post sorry.

It is a remake or a reboot. This new movie has nothing to do with the original. Like completely new universe.