
So any normal human being’s response would/should be: “I had no idea you could do that!? That’s amazing”

Seriously, it’s like this year’s Paris Hilton “See you at the debates, bitches.” comeback to McCain’s celebrity slam on Obama.

White, male UX/UI specialist here. That really sucks. Arguing user centered design approaches with techies is bad enough (gender issues aside, UX is an uphill battle with any room full of code monkeys whose go to answer is: it does this out of the box), I can’t image throwing gender bullshit on top of it. I guess I’ve

Yeah, if you use fancy college words because you hate America.

And unlike in his normal MO, I suspect these women won’t face him alone — the fund raising to help with the legal costs for any of these women would be record setting, were a case to actually go to court.

Apparently he ran out of money before they got to the eyebrows. Revlon’s Ubermensch Blonde color don’t come cheap.

I thought it was going to be that whatever SarahPAC intern posted that update couldn’t tell the difference between Obama and any other black guy in a suit.

The projection and self-loathing at play with the female Trump supporters is pretty mind boggling. Not unlike sanctimonious church ladies piling on with the victim blaming in other high profile sexual assault cases. What’s up with that, lady Jezzies? What does it take to get women to shank their own like that?

Bankruptcy — or “popping your Trump cherry”

That totally needs to be turned into a troll-y Twitter hashtag right now!

Hoping Trump pulls out of this venture and a real hotel chain like Marriott or Hilton picks it up at fire sale prices so it can be done properly. Sure it’ll cost millions to de-Trumpify it, but I’m sure there are enough 3rd world dictators, nouveau richer reality stars and ironic hipster interior designers that the

Normal World: “Man yells at cloud.” Eye roll, someone is off his meds.

Kudos to you, then. If I were a woman in that situation I don’t know that I’d be able to resist baiting that asshole like Hillary laying a trap for The Donald* at every. fucking. meeting. But I say that as a straight white male who has successfully avoided team lead and management positions. Way to use your feminine

Yeah, because the Republicans did such a good job of making Obama a one-termer.

Well, at least he wasn’t fucking the chair this time. That we could tell. So...progress?

Only losers toast their own bread. All of DJT’s toast is made by scantily clad Eastern European models hoping to get their passports back.

Another commenntor yesterday compared it to how the robots/hosts are programmed on the new Westworld series — when faced with a situation that contradicts their narrative (“you’re not real” or a photo of the modern world) they just negate it (“that does’nt look like anything to me”) or pivot back to their predefined

That’s why he only spends time around the ones easily mistaken for sex dolls.

But according to his rent-a-doc, all tests of his astonishingly excellent health are positive, so...

Of course he will refuse. Hill would say fine, lets do this at Bethesda Naval Hospital under tight controls. Trump will refuse saying it’s a gov facility and in the tank for her, while his syncophantic rent-a-doc is overheard saying in a loud stage whisper: “I got some clean urine off eBay like you asked!” <pulls