
I've also seen on some forums where the "OK sign with fingers spread as White Power gang sign" might be made up. Although I just watched a video of some idiot at a white pride event shouting "Jew will not replace us" and throwing that gang sign like there was no tomorrow, so who know at this point…

Easy, tiger — I stand corrected on Jorah's stint as a merc. I have no recollection of his hitch with the Golden Coy. being mentioned on the show, but his intro to Dany was a long friggin' time ago so maybe it's canon here, too.

Except that the Crown also carted off the whole harvest in addition to all they Tyrell's gold. So if you starve the people who are supposed to actually farm "the breadbasket of Westeros"…

I don't dispute that a slash & burn approach is always an option. It's just that *up until this episode* the Iron Bank has generally taken a more conservative, long-view approach (obviously their gamble on Stannis did not pay out) and watching them do a 180 without any sort of major management or strategy change that

His douchey, red-haired coworker is solidly within the "comic gravedigger" role, although Felix is super conflicted and angsty, which cuts down on the potential for much-needed inappropriate levity. Although the whole "Shift's over, time to bang my VR girlfriend!" was pretty hilarious.

Two men enter…as many robo-hookers as they have time for. Well, one of them, any way. The other insists on having an existential crisis in the middle of an Dia de los Muertos orgy, FFS.

This puzzled the hell out of me. So Felix is a clone? The Hosts start out fully formed, yes? No growing. So we're also adding purpose-specific clones into the mix? (Fans of CJ Cherryh's sci-fi writing are no doubt pricking up their ears now)

Still the role I always associate her with. She did a pretty solid comedy turn opposite Simon Peg in "Run, Fat Boy, Run" as well.

Hmm, boulder to the head, exploding cigar. Westworld appears to be going full Bugs Bunny. Maeve better f*cking well kill somebody with a frying pan next week. That, or some nameless Host is going to be standing in totally the wrong place for comic effect when they yank the safe off the second floor landing.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that Logan treats women in the real world about as well as he treats the robohookers in Westworld. Except for the casual murder part. Probably.

I half-way though she offed a Guest as well, until she glitched/Matrixed and we see Hey Get Back Here Guy is a regular part of known branch in the story (Dolores attempts to flee)

I don't think the bullet they pulled out of Maeve was from security — they'be he using high tech modern rounds. What she held up to the camera appeared to have bands at the bottom and looked like a Civil War era Minie ball. So my guess is he got shot by a Guest.

Why they didn't CGI in a robot coyote chasing a robot roadrunner somewhere in the background is beyond me.

Lots of folks were dreamcasting Purefoy for a part in Season 5 or 6 of Thrones and it came out that he really had a chip on his shoulder about the show (an issue not shared by his other Rome costars Ciaran Hinds or Tobias Mezies). Admittedly Rome had arrived at a pretty natural end point with many of its principals

That would be cool, agreed. They also could have pulled a Sparticus and looped back and maybe done Caesar's rise/conquest of Gaul/deterioration of the Republic since Season 1 started up literally as Caesar decides to cross the Rubicon.

If there is a god in heaven, somebody will send James Marsden an "Oh my god, they killed Teddy!" "You bastards!" t-shirt and he'll wear it in a TwitterPic Make this happen Trey and Matt!

For $40K a day, if I skillfully seduce her she better suddenly remember she has a girlfriend the ranch over who wants to join us.

And would be programmed not to bitch about her cigarette breath during sex. (Ew!)

I'm still trying to figure out why you'd want a bone saw with a horizontal T-grp and have it stick out between your middle and ring finger like a punch knife. That seems like the most counter intutitive and non-ergonomic design imaginable.

Nice! Watching her do a perfect "no death run" through her storyline, sidestepping every bullet, paniced horse and falling building would be totally awesome!! Good hat tip to Edge of Tomorrow, BTW.Which would be a real interesting place for part of this story to go.