
I was gratified to see just how freaked out the female guest gunslinger was getting. She's clearly competent and at home with the hardware from earlier scenes, but was genuinely afraid and uncertain about what was going even knowing it's a game. As a 'jaded' MMO player we forget that being physically immersed as the

They better not have a Romeworld shown or James Purefoy will straight up murder some HBO execs IRL. He was one of my favorite actors on HBO's Rome series and I continue to be amazed by just how bitter he is about its cancellation, especially since he thinks it was sacrificed on the Game of Thrones altar.

And RIP Rutget Hauer, because Obi-wan characters also have a Stark-like life expectancy. Hopefully he went out with a weapon in his hand so he can get to Valhalla.

History Channel's Vikings has really raised the bar on featuring Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon dialog. I agree Last Kingdom would benefit from some of the same, but I imagine it's quite an investment in time and money to get the lines accurately translated and added time for the actors to learn them phonetically.

Is that anything like the Voight-Kampff test?

Four words, Dr J: Ichabod. Goes. To. Graceland.
(The show will have completely jumped the shark at that point, but hell if Fox Mulder can pull it off…)

Yeah, it'll be nice to have someone around to spark Abbie's jealousy of Ichabod again. Although I really miss his reenactor seamstress girlfriend who they killed off. That might have been a pretty good story arc *in the right hands* and allowed them to keep Abbie and Ichabod's Inevitable Wedding at arms length for an

Nobody snarks on the Founders like Ichabod.
When do we get our flashback of Ichabod uncomfortably dragging Franklin out from under a be-wigged puppy pile of Parisian prostitutes, show!? How can we have gone two entire seasons without this!?

It was a bit of an eye roller, but I agree a pretty classic Sleepy Hollow retcon of an historic tidbit we *thought* we knew all about. I'll roll with it.
As Archer would say: "Classic them"

In the DVD I expect there to be an out-take that goes full "Heathers" where some nerdy girl or vengeful manic pixie dream girl rides past on a fixie and tosses a lit match into the bus after Gordon has exited barking at his underlings to get some bolt cutters to get those girls out of there.
Murder Pixie then becomes

"Impending Chiklis" sounds like one of Stephen Colbert's side effects from a Prescott Pharmaceuticals bit.

Having Alfred punch out guest star Jamie Oliver would go a long way to address that deficit.

Wait, does that mean Unhinged Barbara is a pre-op Joker? Holy Gender Switch, Bruce who is too young to get this joke. Because Barbara seems to be on a very Harley Quinn-esque trajectory this season. Or are there other B-team female villains that I don't know about because I've only read the most popular graphic novels?

In what year is the series set? (I can't remember if that ever flashed on the screen in Ep. 1) Because English crusaders did actually help recapture Lisbon from the Moors in 1147 when the Pope decided to add a "western front" to the Second Crusade. So not entirely far fetched. Many of those crusaders never went on to

Everyone aspires to go out in a memorable fashion: I think sexy times-induced heart failure with crazy, buttered Ukranian assassin is pretty tough to top.

This is true. And she kabobbed that uncooperative roadblock guard as well. An Anne vs. Mercy smackdown would be fun.

Despite my stubborn Team Wolf leanings, I have to admit that is a well-reasoned scenario. I still have a hard time buying into Baelish sitting securely as Warden of the North given how truculent the pro-Stark Northerners are, even if he did marry Sansa, but I won't quibble.