
Poor guy. I wonder what Weekend Update Dennis Miller would say if you told him he'd be best friends with an unhinged baby boomer ex-host of Inside Edition and defending George H.W. Bush's mentally challenged child?

I totally disagree; I think you have your people flopped: O'Reilly I think is someone who states his honest opinions on his show, just like your annoying uncle at Thanksgiving, and he's also got a bad temper and is incredibly insecure about his worth as a journalist. Hannity, on the other hand, knows exactly what he's

You can put them into 5 basic categories:

From what I heard, they started doing live winners after Raja's win was massively leaked before it aired.

Tyra is kind of an outlier, because as far as I can tell, she hasn't put any kind of work into drag since.

But that was her real hair.

Jordan Klepper and Jessica Williams have been pulling their weight.

Can't be worse than what Ivyyyyyyyyyy Winters has to go through now.

I know almost every single pre-show forum I saw predicting winners had at least 50% of users/writers predicting Miss Fame would walk away with it.

Maybe she just has an ab fetish.

The website might not be such a big deal, but working on branding and photoshoots and all the content for the site is pretty important stuff, and might be something a queen would skimp on if they don't win RPDR.

I would be happy with this movie if the conflict between Superman and Batman was like Light vs. L in Death Note.

Can we also stop pretending that being sacrilegious to the source material will necessarily make a bad movie? Not that any Snyder movie is a counter-example to that…

There was no reason to have any emotional attachment to any of the characters, especially Superman. Outside of rescuing some oil rig workers, he doesn't really do much outside of discover who he is, and the only reason we could possibly be interested in those scenes is if we already care about Superman before entering

What I'll give this movie is that it seems consistent whereas Man of Steel wasn't. Superman in that movie is a very scary person who doesn't know how to responsibly wield the near infinite amount of power he possesses, and tries to reassure everyone by saying folksy shit like "I'm from Kansas". It looks like this

I'm not implying cause and effect, I'm saying that the twitter storm probably represents a true value assessment which the producers were sure to have noticed during the taping. Or to put it another way: if twitter noticed it, I'm sure the crew did too.

If any of the queens are brought back, is that particularly fair?

My guess is the ones that don't like Max would put it this way: taking off the corset during a break was attention-grabbing move anyway, regardless of how it was edited, and that even though Ru asked her to sing, she did so in the most dramatic way possible. And that Violet spent that long in a tighter corset with no

Max's twitter

I thought Fame's runway look was what really gave her the edge in a battle of equally boring Snatch Game performances.