
But there was a twitter explosion because it was obvious she was the biggest injustice on the show by far.

Max just needs some time to push her shtick beyond the high school theatre level. Max was great, but rewatching the rest of the season, you could tell that she was (ha) maxing out. So much of what she did was the same "vague sophisticated lady" that every high school drama club diva relies on, put-on accent and

I noticed a nice touch from the sound engineers on Better Call Saul: getting Odenkirk's mic to sound clipped when he screamed "That's why I'm here!"

It is confusing when girls use a cock to get inside you.

Where is that tumblr post? I can't find it.

He's deserved an award ever since he got snubbed for a Cinematography Oscar for Beverly Hills Ninja.

We care because he took a character trait that someone on the show tried very hard to keep consistent, and added meaning to it in a way that recontextualizes the entire character in a significant way. That's not that easy to do.

I heard about it from American Gods.

I've expected that kind of surprise throughout the season (Chuck turns on his gas lighter, explosion! Nacho shows up and kills someone important!) but this show has remained grounded in the idea that any misfortune will be very personal to the character, not through some surprise outside influence. If it was gonna be

I don't think Hamlin actually likes Jimmy, I think he respects him for what he is. I actually interpreted this line as Hamlin taking advantage of a situation where Jimmy was vulnerable. He actually has a lot to gain getting Jimmy on his side: it gets him a tiny bit of leverage against Chuck, it gets him a better shot

I think you saw it in how he treated the employee they sent to take care of him, and his illness. He's the kind of asshole that demands that everyone be exactly as competent as he believes he is. And he's the kind of asshole that absolutely refuses to change his mind once he has come to a decision. He knows he's

I think it was more than just being a winner or loser that made Jimmy turn his back on a career going straight. He was in Albuquerque because he was trying to make his brother respect him. Everything he did out there, he did for Chuck, and it turns out that Chuck didn't give a shit. What stopped him from taking that

You're doing a really good job of tilting at all of the standard MRA windmills in this comment thread!

i dare say you've missed the point

It's the internet. People were discussing nerdy things on the internet 20 years before any other non-"worthless" topics.

Sometimes huge piles of money just aren't enough. This is the white man's true pain.

I'm sure Milo will write another disgusting piece about this incident on Breitbart.

If this screed is any indication, he can't.

I saw an Arthur Chu tweet retweeted pointing this out as a good example: "To get an idea of this year's #HugoAwards slate, it had record noms for John C Wright, who wrote this [open letter to the creators of Legend Of Korra regarding their confirmation of the romantic relationship between Korra and Asami]:"

Can we just get an adaptation of The Baroque Cycle instead?