
Personally I think humanity is still trying to iron out where to draw the line between discipline and elitism. Maybe we as a culture have a lot yet to learn about evolving our views of the world as we grow older.

holy shit i didnt realize it was the zim zam guy

Not to mention that if a comedian is good, it's because they've learned how to be honest on stage, which is really the only thing you need to do drama.

Chuck's attitude is that of the self-entitled baby boomer intent on sticking to tradition. You know the kind: their hard work matters more than other people's because they did it the "right way"; they deserve more because they went to a "proper" school; what matters is the law, not people's lives.

If I ever meet Billy Corgan, the first words out of my mouth will be "SOUL POWER". Then I will ask him to return the $200 I shelled out for their "final" show.

What's fucked up about this is that the Rolling Stones are still touring in 2015.

can't wait for the new Presidents of the United States of America album!!

Bitch can lipsync, sadly.

Her fault for booting Trixie Mattel.

Where in chicago?

Kandy Ho is getting through this competition like Coco Montrese, consistently failing to live up to the challenges and demolishing her competitor in the lipsyncs. But at least Coco had a personality.

Yeah, he really only had like two sets, and he would reuse those jokes on the Daily Show all the time (e.g. "I just know that the last words man ever utters will be, hey, it worked!")

The "Jon acts dumb" segments were never suited for someone like Noah.

Hodgman wouldn't have wanted it.

In my opinion, we're lucky. Hosting the show isn't really Jones' thing, and his 1-day fill-in for Stewart was not nearly up to John Oliver snuff.

haha, sour cream and onion. i get it. i wonder if naming people after food is yet another nod to akira toriyama?

Let's go with "Heisenverse"

The best thing is that joke wouldn't have worked nearly as well if the
show hadn't made us wait through the approaching office workers or the
phone call with the lawyer.