They had to make sure that she deserved her beating because no black man would ever lay hands on a black woman for no reason. <eyeroll>
They had to make sure that she deserved her beating because no black man would ever lay hands on a black woman for no reason. <eyeroll>
LOL. Exactly!
Also, you know it wasn’t going to be long before this comment section filled up with fuckery and nonsense. They’ve already started trotting out the Angry Black Woman stereotype
Imma go with tone deaf.
And he could have been the VP. I’m sure the democratic party secretly thanks the gods they lost that election.
Nailed it!
But it is the perfect show to turn on when you’re house cleaning or working from home. You don’t have to pay attention to it too much.
Burned through four seasons of that. I quite enjoyed it.
Thank you! You can’t pay bills with exposure. You can’t feed yourself with exposure. This payment via exposure bullshit has got to go.
When he played in the NCAA tourney a few years ago (2008), the broadcast teams were constantly talking about how attractive his mom is (she is).
Damn. All three are a set of mini-mes.
I keep on seeing people say it undermines her character growth as well. Most of the comments seemed to say that now that her character has been raped she is now ruined. As if to say if she was just strong enough and her character had really grown some ovaries, no way would she have allowed herself to be raped.
Thank you! Just because someone is successful doesn’t make them “New Black”. Just look at Jesse Williams. He’s a black celebrity who gets it.
Because in their sphere black people don’t exist.
Artists only get paid double the royalties with the premium plan. The standard plan uses the same economics as a paid Spotify subscription. The only thing they are doing better (or worse depending on your point of view) is they don’t offer a free plan.
IMO, Their biggest mistake was not having lesser-known artists or independent artist on that stage with them. At least pretend you care about people who are not multi-millionaires.
Well the only way they can pay artists more money is if the users buy the lossless subscription plan, which I figure was the reason they were trumpeting it so much during said shitshow. Because in reality they are still subject to the same structure as Spotify and other streaming services.
I think theirs goes back even farther than that with the Supremes, whose story I believe inspired Dreamgirls.
Oh I'm an old too. :) Graduated high school in the mid 90s so around that time or shortly after I remember all the stuff started coming about Whitney.
Interesting observation. Although I think Whitney Houston it was 90s. She got really overexposed after The Bodyguard.