Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. This little episode certainly shows that Kim and Kanye are made for each other.
Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. This little episode certainly shows that Kim and Kanye are made for each other.
Kim K (in my eyes anyway) has always been that certain kind of white woman married to a black man. She’ll gleefully reap all the benefits from being a culture vulture, but she really ain’t feeling us (black folks) like that.
Free me from purgatory!!
It’s gonna be on in the comments!
Love this show!
What will it take?
Gawd, I hope she’s trolling for a laugh. This looks waayy too trailer park classy.
Hahaha! You think they are going to stick around in this cesspool. I can easily see them high tailing it out of the bad ole US Of A and heading for (somewhat) greener pastures.
They were kissing her ass all over the place, excusing her racism left and right.
I don’t know why, but I laughed at this.
You too!
I’ve pretty much abandoned NBC’s coverage (on all their networks) and stick with the live stream.
My 39 year old self and my sisters 42 year old self felt woefully inadequate. LOL
Can’t remember at this second, but there were about two things that my sis caught.
To me, it is boring.
Yes. I live in a suburb, and about 10-15 miles from me gators are found walking along the roads of new subdivisions like it ain’t nothing. We also had one pop up on the feeder road next to a major highway. We are generally considered gator country.
Yes, it is. I stumbled across the tweet you mentioned a couple of weeks ago.
Please don’t minimize the work of people who have given their life to community service and activism because you disagree with someone in the comments.