
Dumb thing to say but this “Oscars so white” stuff is complete bullshit. Non-white actors get 15% of top roles and get roughly 15% of nominati0ns. If there is a problem it’s with the film industry in general not casting enough asians and hispanics (black people are overrepresented, honestly let’s forget about them for

Why? SNL has decent black representation. 14 of the 88 all time cast members have been black. It almost seems like people want to see 50/50 split with blacks and whites to be happy but seem to be forgetting that black people only make up 13% of the population so this is totally unreasonable.

So, can you name one thing this guy said to these women? Go ahead, go search for some examples since you almost definitely have never read any. I’ll wait.

Way to tell two sides. These women behaved just as poorly as this man if not worse...and he ended up losing his job and spending 10s of thousands of dollars defending this BS case...oh and the women spread malicious lies of him being a pedophile on the internet. So I would take a step back and examine the case before

The writer thinks the guards killed her probably or that she died from some kind of abuse. Not that it hasn’t happened, but let’s reserve the accustatory tone until at least one shred of evidence to suggest this comes out.

Lol...or maybe she was stealing some bread to feed some starving orphans who were being neglected. Seriously, I’m not a “lock em up and throw away the key” type but don’t act like all teenagers in juvie are put upon angels stolen by the evil state. She could have easily stomped another girl’s face in.

You’re extremely naive if that is “horrifying” to you. Teenagers are capable of horrific crimes...rape, murder, mutilation, serious assaults... What do you suggest we do with them? Send them to their rooms without dinner?

Are you comparing them to all the men of similar ages but from different generations that you dated in previous lives? Like, what are you even talking about? That you prefer guys in their 40s and 50s? When they were in their 20s and 30s they may have been just like the millenials you despise.

What are you talking about “giving him an entire series”?

Oh please, chill out. It’s a fucking joke. If you think he’s objectifying her with that comment you’re a douchebag.

Because it would be lots of fun and he’s a really nice, smart, funny, creative guy?

We all know if the roles were reversed and it was Madonna who called Guy Richie a cunt, you feminazis wouldn’t have said a word! You probably would have praised her for being a strong woman standing up to the evil man!!


Lol Mother Theresa was a scumbag.

It’s a total BS excuse. She’s making him out like he’s some wounded warrior. The kid got put on the safest duties possible because of his parentage. Even Prince Harry had it way rougher. He never came anywhere close to combat or even combat zones.

You don’t have to demand his kill count. But what she is doing is disrespectful to all vets. She’s basically using his service as an excuse for him to act like an asshole because he never was involved in combat or anything of that nature. His job was driving around officers and dignitaries, a lot of times on base. He

He was not in combat or anywhere close to it. She is lying.

Her son is not a fucking combat vet at all. He never saw any combat. His job was driving dignitaries and officers around.

She produced it herself and even directed this video herself and makes all her own album art. It’s awesome that she embraces the DIY spirit.

Grimes seems to be going the pop star route now but she’s very much a self-made artist compared to most other female pop stars. She even directed this video herself and creates all her album art. Needless to say she writes her own music. I remember seeing her maybe 6 years ago or so play at little DIY underground