
I think it’s less about the idea of sexual assault and more about the notion that transgenderism is a “fad” of some kind and that the more it is perpetuated into mainstream society, the more kids will decide they want to be transgender to be special. They think if we push the idea that gender is fluid, kids who

Clearly you never heard of Tom Green. You better “CHECK THE O.R”

Who the fuck first decided that “educational raps” like this by white people were a good idea? It was definitely some asshole white dude shop teacher back in the 90s rapping about safety or something and we’ve suffered ever since.

Let’s make a show about LGBT rights activists and cast all straight actors! Hollywoooooood fuck yeah!

I wouldn’t count on it considering approximately 3 out of the 3 actors mentioned in this post are heterosexual.

Oh look, another organization that has been fueling racism and misogyny for years has it come back to bite them in the ass. What a surprise. I wonder how long before the KKK tries to distance themselves from Trump for being too right wing.

They can go somewhere that isn’t trying to push for anti-gay rights legislation. It’s pretty simple. I know you’re just going to try to say there will be other problems there too like with how Washington doesn’t allow transgenders to use the right bathrooms, but so what? No one is saying the NFL is going to rid all

I’m against this bill but the argument that “if something is so fragile it needs protecting by the law it must be worthless” is pretty weak dude. Some pretty important stuff like basic human rights are very fragile and need the law to protect them. That doesn’t make them valueless.

Religious people are suddenly the most devout people on the face of the planet when it comes to beliefs that allow them to discriminate against people. When it comes to shit that actually inconveniences them like observing Sabbath or not gambling or cheating, suddenly they are so much more flexible.

But again, what is your point? This kind of “there are problems elsewhere, don’t forget about that” stuff is not really counterproductive per se but it is basically pointless. And anyways, this is a very simple action by a powerful organization that could generate immediate change in terms of stopping this bill. It

No, these things only happen in New York! Only New York has weird people, crowds, subways, pigeons and homeless people! Don’t ruin their dream! They need to justify that 3500/month rent somehow.

“one of those particular weirdos you only encounter in New York Any Major City”

Huh? Mel C is straight.

No, it used to be the case, but nowadays they hand out tear drop tattoos like candy. People get them for everything... including nothing. Common reason could be he had a friend who was killed.

Animals frequently kill for purposes other than food or survival. Have you never met a cat?

Casting Zoe Saldane as Nina Simone is like casting Orlando Bloom as Lemmy.

It’s what they call themselves.

There is no psychoanalysis needed. For a black person to support Trump they must display an active lack of self-interest. Just as David Duke says all racist whites must support Trump or be traitors to their race, any black person that supports Trump is a traitor to their race. It’s really no different than a jew

There is always room among racists for a small minority of these kind of black folk... They are self loathing and give the racists someone they can point to and say “See? I’m not racist I have black friends. You other black folk need to be more like these black folk! They believe everything I believe!”

He actually does cross demographic lines...He appeals to anybody with strong authoritarian impulses. It’s been proven.